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(GR8 in a TOGA? *eyebrow thingie*™ lmao)

GR8SPUDZ (aka Christ_Benoit), or GR8 for short, is a genuine nice guy from Warren, Mi. He is 20 years old but claims to look younger because he's 5'2". When not sleeping, he spends most of his time on his WebTV surfing the net (mostly wrestling related sites), or chatting in Markchat™. His favorite sports teams are the Detroit Red Wings, and Tigers. GR8 has been watching wrestling for about 15 years now, and his favorite wrestler of all time is Sting. Some of his current favorites include Chris Benoit, Triple H, Eddie Guerrero, (GR8 you and Queenie™ need to talk about this one :-ţ lol) and The Steiner Bros. Past favorites include Ricky Steamboat, Tito Santana, Rick Martel and Owen Hart (RIP). He doesn't dislike many wrestlers, but Goldberg is at the top of his hatred list. Spudz has been a Markchatter™ since August, 2000, and announced as an official sWo™ Member in December, 2000.