Tip's Bio
Pankaj K. Agarwalla
Nickname: Captain "Brownie" Cocktip
Height: 5'10.5"
Weight: 153 lbs
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: dark brown
Birthday: December 23, 1981
Place of Birth: Silver Spring, MD
Home: Glenn Dale, MD
Nationality: 100% Indian
Girlfriend: none
Car: 1984 Beige Mercedes 300 SD Turbo Diesel
School: Harvard University
Food: none
Clothing Maker: Joseph Abboud, a great Lebanese designer
Restaurant: OHOP
NFL Team: Washington Redskins
City: Washington, DC
Movie: The Matrix
Music Group: Amber
Color: green
Number: 7
Describe the Fab4 in one word: Tight
Email: agarwall@fas.harvard.edu