When I first saw these guys play, I thought 'hey, I should interview them'. So I did. Or rather one or them. The others shied away obviously because of the sheer seriousness of my question asking. So it was with great pleasure that I asked Disseminates drummer Dave Haley...

Many people have commented on the parallels between your music and that of the sound someone makes whilst buying a packet of yellow jelly. Any comment?
I haven't really heard the sound of somebody buying a packet of yellow jelly. I'd say that that could be a good description.

As The Fall of Because is all about original question asking, describe your sound?
Our sound? That's a tough one. It would probably be a cross between Death, Black, and Heavy Metal. Probably more Death Metal orientated. Yeah, we've got a dark sound happening as well.

Do you think you could possibly get 'any more metal'?
Any more metal? I don't know, it depends what you mean by METAL? If you'd describe wearing spikes and shit as being METAL, no that probably wont happen. We'll always be metal though.

Do you plan to do a demo or anything?
We did a recording a couple of weeks back, hopefully we'll get something released soon. We'll do some pressings of CDs and tapes and send them off for promos and shit. (See the demo review in The Fall of Because #5)

Name your number one excuse for being caught sleeping with the dead?
It had to be done in the name of metal!

When you become huge rock stars, will you remember the little people?
No! They can fuck off! No, I don't think we'll ever become rock stars. We are the little people.

What's your number one favourite zine? Hint, hint.
Well I haven't seen yours, so, um. I like Terrorizer, but that's more a magazine not a fanzine. S.O.D's really good.

If your music was incarnated into a physical raging monster, what do you think it's preferred carpet choice would be?
It would have to be something heavy duty. Because it would have big hoofs, and put dirty hoof marks every where. Something washable. Something woollen I'd imagine. Shagpile.

Your playing a gig, when every body in the crowd dies from pure excitement and admiration, you,
a)Keep playing
b) Take the money and run
c) Play "Bet you I can spit on that dead girl from here" or
d) Use the incident to spout the slogan "We're so heavy, you could die", to attract people to your shows?

It would probably be a combination between d, c, and b.

Tell us about the bands history?
We formed about May this year (1998). Joe (guitar) and I because we're brothers, jam heaps. We just wanted to get a metal band. I've known Leigh for about a year, he could play bass, so he came up. It wasn't really a question of "Do you want to form a band?" It just happened. The next week Delta came up because we saw her sing with Evil Dead. We thought she was cool. So then it happened.

The lyrics, are they inspired by the majestic beauty of the night, or are they the competitions off the back of Corn Flakes packets like every other band where you can't understand what the vocalist is saying?
Fuck that majestic shit off. It would have to be off the Corn Flakes box.

And finally, as it is written in The Bible, "And low, a group of guys got together to play tunes!" Would you say this sums the band up?
Yeah, we just play metal and have fun. That's about it. I don't know about The Bible. Maybe The Metal Bible.

Disseminate R.I.P. 1998 - 2000.


Interview 1998
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