You've had Satanists coming into the shop. What do you think of Satanists and Satanism in general? Also Wicca?
Yeah, we get a lot of them. Well I much prefer Satanism to Christianity that's for sure. In fact I'd say if Christ is responsible for the foundation of the Church, then he handed over the management to Satan, I suppose you could look at it that way. But modern Satanism from a lot of the fellows who come in, is very much Social Realism. And even the whole term Satanism, rather than being what the Christians claim Satanism is, like they see it as being an anthropomorphic being. I think the contemporary interpretation of it is that it's just a spirit of revolution, revolt and progress. In fact I think that's what Anton Lavey defines Satanism as. Some even call it Militant Atheism.
It's a bit like the Christian church, you get the whole spectrum. You get the Catholic types with all their rituals and so forth right down to the Fundamentalists with out any crosses anywhere you know. And it's a bit like that with Satanism. You get the types who are very magically orientated, into the rituals and stuff like that. And you get the ones who are just Atheistic, and others who are more militant, and others who are more Marilyn Manson lifestyleish. And each one has his or her own definition of what Satan is.
Some say he's just a being, some say he's a philosopher. Some people call Satanism a philosophy. Christians would call it a religion, but I think it's a philosophy. But some people call Spiritualism a religion, where as the Spiritualists call it a philosophy. So I have no problems with them. I'd actually prefer talking to a Satanist than I would a Christian. Because I usually say any one who walks around with a pocket full of love is invariably walking around with a pocket full of hypocrisy. And I know that not just in the Christian movement, but in the New Age movement as well. Nearly every person I've had trouble with or I've found was a hypocrite has been someone who has been walking around saying that they're Holier Than Thou or they're better than this and that. And in fact we have a saying here that the person who holds the brightest light casts the longest shadow. Because we meet people, not just Christians, and I say that most of them are just hypocrites. Most of the Christians I've ever met.
And there's a board over there [points to the other side of the shop] all those Holier Than Thou Priests and Ministers they're all Child molesters and property developers over there. And I'd say that in probably every religious or spiritual movement. Because I see that in the New Age too.
Raky masters who are just frauds and rip off merchants. I meet Yogi masters who talk about being in touch with our bodies, being over weight chain smokers. In fact I know one who is a Yoga teacher. He was an over weight chain smoker. And yet he preaches ethereal values and white light.
Where at least with Satanists you know were you stand. They are usually very intelligent. But they're not child molesters which most Christian people on that board are. When was the last time you heard of a Satanist ever getting convicted of any thing in the news paper? I can't remember the last time. I keep a folder here and I think there's not a fortnight goes by with out some Christian brother or some Catholic Priest or some snot noses little Holier Than Thou getting hauled over the cols or dragged through the courts for some crime or misdemeanour. No, I think they're hypocrites! At least Satanists aren't hypocrites.
Christians sort of say, yeah it's all drugs and stuff. Well according to Lavey Satanism, no it's not drugs, because that's escapism. They call them selves Social Realists and they learn how to become strong independent self reliant people. And they're usually stronger balanced people than parasitic or sycophantic Christians that cower and hand their spirituality over to Priests and things. Being really limp. Or nuts!
I actually say Christianity is a sickness! It's not a good question to ask me about actually because I think it's a sickness, it's a sickness. It's a plague, Christianity. And I actually talk about Christ being a Vampire.
So I'm very passionate about that. Because I actually think that Christianity is responsible for nearly all the mystery in the world. Because it teaches people to become parasitic. It's a parasitic religion. Christ is all about he wants you to drink his blood and eat his flesh. He gives you ever lasting life in return, well, that's what the Vampire myth is based on.
The Church wants every thing tax-free and it wants ten percent of your livelihood called tithing. It's a parasite religion! It's a Vampire religion! And so anything that's against a Vampire religion, I think is good. Even Atheism I think is healthier than Christianity. Anything which is against Christianity I think is a good thing. In fact it's the one great curse, 'one immortal blemish' to quote Nietzsche. Christianity!
One third of the people on the face of this planet claim to be Christians. So when the Christians say isn't this world a terrible place? Well, I say you've only got your selves to blame, your religion is the prevailing religion. This is what you have given us. I think it's time to sit down and reconsider don't you? If this is what your religion has given us. They talk about you can tell a tree by it's fruit, and they think that Christianity bares good fruit and everything else is bad. But I say, no, I don't think so.
And yes, but without Christianity we'd have no morality. No, in fact places like Colombia and South America were crime free, theft was not known before the Christians arrived. And the Conquistadors took all the gold, and suddenly, crime! No, don't get me started on Christianity, I think it's a terrible religion, and I will not bow down to a Vampire which I believe Christ is; the greatest Vampire who ever lived. And a hypocrite. He's a hypocrite. He says he's peace and love, no! Peace and love if you follow him. If not, well you'll be cast into Hell where there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Well, what's the difference form that sort of teaching from Christ and that sort of teaching from David Koresh and Jim Jones? It's what they taught. It's what the Christians teach. Every single Church out in the suburbs teaches the same thing. Shock! Shock!
I can tell you being a ghost researcher, people say you go out and pray when you go to these places. Well I'm not going to pray to a myth, because that's what Christ I believe is. He's an Archetype if anything. And he's a borrowed Archetype because there were plenty other individuals who founder religions identical to Christ. So you often find that death, ghosts, are not a religious subject. Probably a physiological phenomenon.
Einstein actually says energy never dies, it changes form, so really maybe the transition from physical cells to ghost cells or spirit cells is not a religious thing. It's a physiological thing. It's a transference of atoms probably.
Now of course the Christians do not like that. But I actually believe it is Christianity that has stopped a lot of progress, or investigation into this area. It tells people do not investigate the occult. Do not understand your selves. I actually think that that sort of teaching has helped to stop a lot of investigation. Because we still meet a lot of people who are very afraid of ghosts, and very afraid of this and very afraid of that.
The ones who are normally the most afraid are the Catholics. The ones who have had the most rigid religious upbringing. They think ghosts are Demons because they haven't been moved onto Heaven. And that's not healthy thinking. Because it actually encourages people to think any ghost is evil. Because it's not been accepted into Heaven.
I haven't worked out exactly what the story is, why some people turn into ghosts, why some people don't. I don't think it's got any thing to do with that Christian rubbish. Nothing! I worked that out. Because I studied Theology for two years and a lot of the stuff is just rubbish! Rubbish!
If as those phycologists say it's a manifestation of energy, and that personality transcends death, then if you're a Christian person, in life, and you die, you can still have your Christian ideas when you're dead. So you're still going to think that only Christian prayers can move you on. It's interesting why ghosts are one of those universal experiences, because you meet Buddhist people, Aboriginal people, Marie people, and they've all got ghost laws. They've all got ghost histories, which seems to transcend all religious belief. So to me it must not be a Christian thing. It's something that is beyond religion.
Which really makes Churches feel uncomfortable. Because when they no longer can control you, be holding fear of death over you, what will happen to your soul when you die. What happens? And that's why they don't want you to explore this area, because their power goes.
I wouldn't believe what a Priest says for a minute. And that's having studied and been a good Christian at one stage, I studied Theology for two years because I wanted to become an Anglican Priest. But I really think they're barking up the wrong tree. And I think the smarter priests probably know it. You see it's the idiotic Christians who only have half a knowledge of what they're into, what it's all about.
The more you look into Christianity, the more you realise it's an onion. When you peel back the layers there's nothing in the middle. It's true, and that's what you learn. That's why they don't like you to study the occult. Why? Because when you start studying the occult, Paganism, all those sorts of areas, you start realising there's not an original thought in their Church. They've borrowed, pinched, stolen from every one else. And cobbled together their own theology which is just irrelevant now. I have no problems dealing with this.
I had someone from the Australian news paper ask me what I was going to do for Halloween. I said sacrifice Christians. [Did you?] No. I have a bit of fun with them. I get a bit annoyed because those people, they still come in here, are actually the people who stop a lot of research, are the people who stop a lot of people from growing spiritually. Their trinity is fear the father, suffer the son, and guilt the Holy ghost. Or the other one which I say is pray, pain, obey. And they actually do the best job of stopping people exploring this aria. And understanding it by making people think it's demonic.
In a way I actually like a dichotomy so long as there's a mystery and it is a confrontation. I sort of enjoy it. Because if it became main stream and popular, like if society suddenly became all Gothic I sort of wouldn't like it any more.
Even Wicca and Witchcraft, I'm not liking it any more. I used to like it when it was forbidden. In fact Anton LaVey talks about the law of the forbidden. I like it when it's out there and on the edge and mysterious and forbidden. I like ghosts when they're mysterious. Probably the day it all becomes all to main stream I'd loose interest.
Wicca is starting to get main stream. With ghosts, I don't like movies like the Sith Sense and Haunting. On the tour I asked how many people went and saw the Sixth Sense, and every body put their hand up. And I was thinking arrrrr, no. Because it's now fashionable to be interested in ghosts and dead people. And when that happens, poof, it's seen as a trend. I actually had someone who thought I actually set the tour up to capitalise on a trend. There are a lot of Witches floating around who are sort of capitalising on a trend, but you know in a years time they'll probably be gone!
We get a lot of young trendies from Prahran who come in and they've all got there little bindies on, and they're all fashionable, cute little Fiona Horn types girls. They watched Charmed and that sort of thing, and that's their idea of Witchcraft, Wicca. They want spells to get an incredibly cool boyfriend. And they come in and they've got that sort of fresh face.
I wouldn't go and watch Sixth Sense because it is popular. I went and watched the Haunted which every body said don't go and watch because it's garbage. So I went and saw it because every body wasn't watching it. I actually enjoyed it. But Wicca is going to become one of those, agggth, distance yourself sort of things.
So ghosts will become another one, when it becomes too popular. I hope it doesn't become too popular, but it is an interesting aspect. And so long as it remains a mystery it's good. But if it became too main stream, like Satanism, I sort of dread the day. And it gets to the point where, 'oh, I'm in touch with my dark side'. To be 'in touch' and dealing with it.
And suddenly it's cool and a psychopath will only be perceived as someone who is not in touch with their dark side. You know, I could see that happening. So I don't like it when too many people are in to the Vampire Gothic thing. That's probably one of the reasons why I didn't continue with the Vampire thing, because people started to think that I was capitalising on a move or something.
I'll never stock an Anne Rice book in here. With Buffy, that's killing Vampires too. I like Vampires when there're really dark and threatening. I liked Witchcraft when it was the Seventies Witchcraft, when it was dark and threatening. But now it's become popular and white light and that sort of thing.
So when ghosts become to main stream and popular, time to move on.

The next question was going to be on the flip side, you also get Christians coming on the tours. What do you think of Christianity? But you've pretty much answered that.
Yeah, I'm not a big fan of Christianity. Vampire religion I call it that. And I tell people that because they're fascists anyway and they'll come in whether I have an opinion or not because they'll come in and judge me. Because they think I'm leading people astray. Someone actually called me the Devil's Pied Piper the other day. Because I get the young people on the ghost tour and lead them into darkness. But I say it's you guys who have been leading people into darkness and keeping them there.
If you are interested in Vampires here's something that not many people might have picked up on. Do you know, and I've not seen this anywhere, that Bram Stoker in writing Dracula, It's a parody of Christianity. That's why he wrote it. And he's what's called an Augusteen writer. Augusteens write parodies. Who do you think Renfield represents? [I have no idea.] The Christian. Because he's locked in a padded cell, worships a master, no where has he actually met him. He talks about him, raves about him. Says he's fantastic, but in the end he gets killed.
There's even things like when Dracula goes into his cell and the guard doesn't see him. It's like when Jesus comes out of the tomb. The guards don't see him. He drinks blood. And the padding is a theology. He cracks open Renfield's skull, which is like Christians crack open rational thinking. He broke his back which is spirituality. And the Doctor who went in attended to Renfield is of course science, which is considered the enemy of Christianity. Because science pushes back the tide of ignorance.
The only thing is, I have a problem with science because science becomes a surrogate God. Because it becomes a new God. "Science hasn't proved it yet, it can't exist! When science proves it I'll believe" And they're actually talking about other people ie. the scientists out there just like Renfield, my God, Dracula out there. And so science becomes another God, and I find that that too becomes another enemy. Like religion I think religion has nothing to do with ghosts. Even though they like to claim it is because they want to hold over the supernatural. Science too probably is another one.
Don't know what it is. Philosophy. I like philosophy. When you apply philosophy to this area nobody can get a hold of you. Because I can say, as the philosophers do, as you walk down the street who's to say that the person you meet is real. No one can touch that.
Even scientists, theoretical ones, talk about the hologramaticle universe. You can't prove or disprove, if you want proof. They say we're made of atoms, which contain nothing. That's scientific, that we're made of nothing. So there you are physiologically the philosophers are right.
So in this area I say it's like nailing jelly to a wall, you can't. It slivers away. Whenever any one tries to get something on ghosts, a theory or something. It slivers away. Which is probably why I like it, because you can't actually nail it down.
I'll tell you the weird thing. Even though I don't like Christianity, at all, we actually go out and do talks to cancer wards at Christian hospitals, Catholic hospitals. So I've tended to become a bit of a hypocrite there.
[You hear horrible stories about Christians going into hospital wards of people dieing of AIDS and telling them that they should repent from being Gay before they die. And those people called 'ex-Gay', who used to be gay and are now Christians.] I used to meet people like that. And it would be like Oprah. I remember siting in the class room where one of the tutorials was, something like 'Christian living' or something like that, and there was this fellow "I used to be Gay." "Aaaawwwwwllllllll!" It was like Opera you know. "And then I found Jesus." "Yaaaaayyyyy!!" I was thinking oohhhh, I'm going to be sick. Because it's a cop out, I say you don't find Christ you succumb it him, like you succumb to a Vampire. They shouldn't go out proud and say I'm a Christian. You should say I've been struck by Christianity. That's the way it should be. I've come down with Christianity. Or I've given up thinking. I've decided to take Christianity, the soft option. It's easier to work with that model than actually be on my own. Than be strong in my self.
I say you have to be weak to be a Christian. But when they go in a Christian camp they suddenly become strong because they've got a 'gang'. That's what it is. "Oh, I'm part of the Christian gang. I've got big Christians behind me. And I've got Christ". Where as the other people, the Satanists, a lot of them are loners. It's much harder and they have to rely on them selves. Not parasitic Christians. "It's me the Christian" with this gang and a third of the world behind me. They've just become the majority, it's pathetic. They're like sheeple, as someone called them. "I used to be a nobody, I used to be gay, then I found Christ." I succumbed to Christ.
Even St. Paul when he had his Damascus road experience, you know that one they talk about? How St. Paul on the road to Damascus was struck down and woke up.
Well I'd say he was probably hit by a stroke or epilepsy. So he probably had an illness. He had an aberration, now a Christian. And I feel good because now I don't have to be responsible for my self. Because it's the Devil's fault if I do any thing wrong and God will forgive me. Where as Satanists say you have to stand on your own two feet and be strong.
Whether you're a Satanist who actually worships the Devil, depending on what ever they think that might be, or those who just sort of say I believe in spirit, progress, rebellion, and revolt. Which is what Anton LaVey believes. I don't think he actually believes in a being. So when he's invoking, he doesn't actually think he's going to evoke something standing there. He said it's an energy within. In fact he says that there's a beast inside of all of us who needs to be exercised not exorcised.
So I actually think Christians are weak people. They're fanatics. They're spiritually weak, but they can be intellectually strong in their weakness. Because you know, you meet Psychopaths in a ward, there's something wrong with them. I'd look forward to trying to talk sense into a Christian, a fundamentalist, as much as I would a trying to rationalise to a lunatic in a psychiatric ward. It's the same difference. You can't reason with a lunatic in a ward. You can't reason with a lunatic in a church. You can't. Renfield, no one could get through to him. He just let it go till he was killed by his master. Good riddance.
And what happened to David Koresh and Jim Jones? They were killed by their own hands weren't they. Jim Jones, drunk the Cool Aid. And David Coresh, well nobody really knows what happened there.
So it's all good fun, but Christianity is a big annoyance because it stops a lot of people exploring this area. And it correlates those fears. Which I don't think it's fair it should have.
I've noticed most of the emphasis is on fear. Where the vast majority of stories on ghosts are actually not nasty stories. The ones on the Ghost Tour are there to give people a bit of a chill, but if you went around telling ghost stories which were nice, they'd be boring. Nobody want's to listen to that.
And I must say most people that I meet that have had ghosts in their house and so forth, they're nice ghosts. [You hear a lot of stories about them waking people up when there's a fire and so forth.] Yeah, there are a lot of good books about that, that emphasise that. Which makes me think that all this stuff about ghosts being Demons is rubbish. And someone should be held accountable for that. Because it's stoped people from exploring their spirituality. Even though I have a problem with that word 'spirituality' because it's been abused. I hate that word now. I actually prefer Philosophy.
But of course having said that, that's just my theory of Christianity. It's not every ones. It's just because you asked me.

Do you think with there being so many contradictions in the Bible, for example, that some people just don't want to think? They'd prefer to just cling onto any old tot and watch the world go by. It's there to control and keep the masses in order?
Yeah, it is. It's like a crowd control religion. If there were too many people who were chaotic people, it might be a bit too hard. We probably need both. Like a sort of spiritual sedative. Which could be said to be Christianity. You've got some who want to go and numb out over there. And you've got those who are trying to move things forward. But the millennium, I think that's one great marketing scam.
You've only got to look at history. People don't look at history any more. Do you know what happened a thousand years ago? [No.] Well when you think about it, it was the second millennium. You would of thought people would have been more upset over the first millennium.
What happened was the largest land grab in man's history. Because you thing about it, a lot of Christians 'thought' the world was coming to an end because of the book of Revelation. So they were afraid and they all went down to their local churches and said I want to make sure I get into Heaven. No problem. Just hand over your property So they handed over their property.
The interesting thing is, I'd say some of the grass roots Christians are dumb. But the ones who actually manage, control, are smart. They know what they're doing. And I would hazard a guess that a lot of them probably don't believe half the stuff.
I used to work in advertising, and a lot of clients didn't believe in their product. And a lot of the advertising agent's staff didn't believe in it either. But it's the packaging, it made sure every body else did. And so I would say that the Church is much the same.
So a thousand years ago people handed over their property to the Church. The Church being smart, made sure there were lawyers present, to make sure all contracts were binding and legal.
Come the morning, the first of January one thousand, people woke up and said "hey I haven't been raptured." What did they do? They waited a couple more days, still nothing. They went down to the Church and said, you know, it seems the Second Coming hasn't happened yet, can I have my house back please? No. You've signed the contract, it's witnessed.
The Church made an obsolete killing. Do you know how they did that? They didn't actually go and promote the end is coming, but they didn't 'not' promote it. And I bet you anything that's exactly what's happened now. I bet you a lot of people have signed over property to the Church thinking that they're going to disappear the first month next year. And I bet you who is going to benefit the most. The Church.
The priests up there wouldn't believe it. As I said to you most of the most brilliant scholars, including Rudoff Boulmet, who invented Form Criticism, which is like putting the Gospel side by side and looking at all the flaws and every thing, have thrown the entire Bible out. Albert Chweitzer, all those people, thrown the Bible out!
In fact, they're not going to talk to simple folk. Simple Christians in the street. Let them go. And actually let them generate all this fear. Because the people who win out in the end will be the Church. But, if more people are on to them, maybe there will be a back lash.
But then if you took the New Age type people, you could see it as, end the age of deception, enter the age of liberation. And so probably one of the best quotes for the new, and I don't get into all this so much, people are leaving the Church and finding God. That's probably what the New Age movement was all about. People are suspicious of systems, not just the Church system. People are getting suspicious of political systems, science systems, just systems in general. So maybe what this newer age represents, and I hate that word, is, just as Scientists talks about cause and effect, so magic terms they talk about chaos and structure. And you need both.
Maybe some might say that the Church age was the age of structure, and what follows structure, chaos. So chaos will knock down every thing. And then what will happen, maybe in another one thousand, two thousand years, three thousand years, what will follow, structure again. So the people who are actually activated now are probably the chaotic people. And the structure people are trying to combat the chaos people. But it's natural, it's like a volcano, which is chaos.
Volcano - bad. But then - good. Because what comes from that after it's wiped out that town - rich soil for forests. So that's course and effect. Light and dark. Chaos and structure. And that's all I see the New Age being, chaos. People leaving the Church and finding God. But soon that will become a structure. Independence becomes a structure. And straight away when man is given freedom, he builds a new edifice. He builds more walls around himself. And that will become a new structure, and then something will come along and bump that off.
Because let's face it, the Roman religion, that was structured before Christianity came along. That was a little rebellious movement. No different from the New Age movement. Two thousand years ago it was the New Age moment. And then it became a big lumbering giant, and like the Dinosaurs, clonk.
It's interesting, because I study all this Church history, and spiritual anthropology. And you'll find that history repeats. You can see all the same patterns emerging again.
But you're right, religion is a great way of controlling people.

When ever you see articles to do with Satanism, the Supernatural, and most anything on the Occult written in the popular press, the authors always seem to feel the need to "jazz" them up for the moronic public to easily digest with out having to actually learn anything. They always seem to come out incredibly tacky.
Do you think that journalists, and I'm asking you because you are one, just miss the point? Or does the public just like being shocked by such things, as long as there's no real danger. Thus any thing "dark" is made to look tacky and non-threatening. With the ironic thing being that the subject matter is printed in the first place to shock and frighten us?

Yeah, like look at the way they dealt with Marilyn Manson. I can sort of see what he's doing. He's like chaos. When you start looking into the Occult, and most of the people who read your magazine will be into the Occult, (Hi fans!) when you start looking into occult principles you sort of think in terms of chaos and structure. You can't have one with out the other. But where the status quo is structured, you have to bear in mind that anything chaotic will try to be repressed by structure.
So you have to bear in mind that it's harder to be chaotic, you're actually pushing through the surface. See that's what we do, we're chaotic people. And we know how it's hard because we're actually trying to push through. And the earth has a great way of trying to push and settle back over you as you push through. It envelops you. It doesn't actually knock us down.
So with stuff like that they're trying to envelope, then they'll let it through, then envelope. I like all this [Pointing to my pull out from the Age newspaper about the Metal for the Brain festival.] so does Angelica.
I like Marilyn Manson. I like what he did with the Bible. I liked, because Christians are so stupid that they 'bit'. You know. Reverend Fred Niles jumped up there and he 'bit'! Which made him look even more stupid.
So I can understand because he's playing the roll of the chaos which is inevitable. Because two thousand years age Christians were doing exactly the same thing in the Pagan temples.
They went around chopping of the heads of their Gods and desecrating and burning their books. So it's history repeating. And I approve of anything which knock down that structure. But then that makes me a sworn enemy of the Church, and so be it. I'm a chaotic person.
But the fact of the matter is they need that, life needs that, science needs that; existence needs that. You can't have one with out the other. And it's a scientific principal, it's an occult principal, and so these people are great. But very rarely do you encounter journalists who understand that.
Like when I said to that journalist about what I would do for Halloween? And I said sacrifice Christians. Now she didn't know how to deal with that. She didn't know if I was kidding, because of course no one says that. Or was I for real? She was an Australian journalist, and the Australian is a very conservative newspaper. And she ended not doing anything at all. And I knew that would never end up going through the system anyway. But the point is if you except who you are, See I except the Gothic people, society needs people who makes people question, society needs people like that because if not you would have a society that did not move forward.
It is only when these people, the radicals, and I actually say Christ was a Satanist. Because he was an accuser and an adversary, if he existed and there's no evidence that he actually did, because he would have been branded a Satanist if he were around today because he was against established religion. So society needs that because with out that, the old system would still be existing, and that, well that was dieing any way. So he came along and caused a 'blip', which started off a new thing.
But now man has a great way of building an Institute in the name of the radicals. You think of all the great schools of thought, all the great philosophers were radicals. And a lot of them have been nuts. Painters have all been nuts, radicles. They've all been rebels. Elvis Priestly was in league with the Devil for fusing black music with white. But society needs them.
All the great scientists stood up and said well why should we except that? They were nuts! Let's try it this way. Trying something new. Who are the leaders? They're the ones who break right away. They say let's think differently folks.
I was reading about the man who invented day light saving. It took a hundred years for them to except that. He tried three times to actually get it through Parliament. And it never happened while he was alive, and now it's accepted every where. But only recently in Australia. About ten years ago. Because it saves power stations money and stuff like that.
He was a nut! People didn't like him, he was a trouble maker. All the greatest people through history have been Satanists. Because they've been adversaries, they've been accuses, or against structure. And every one who is against structure as far as I'm concerned is necessary, is important, and in fact is the prime mover of society. Not the sheep, it's the goats.
So that's why I actually prefer to be in the company of Satanists that in the company of these sheep called Christians. And even people like this, [Metal for the Brain pictures.] some people say Marilyn Manson has 'sold out' blar, blar. But his presence has been very important because he's kicked established people. I think he's just tyred now. I think after that Columbine Massacre, I think it would be hard now because that is really a God. Even though a lot of books come from America, it's very much a Christian country. I think it would be very hard. We can probably get away with more here. But I think in the end he just got a bit tired. They gave him a hard time.
But do you think reverend Fred Nile is a wonderful leader? He's a failure! He's a failure as a Christian. He tried to stop the Gay Mardi gras. He prayed for that to stop, and what happened? It went ahead. Then on the day he prayed for rain, what happened? Nothing. It was a nice evening. Then he thought, well let's just go down there and just sit on the road, what happened? The Police moved them along. So either God wasn't listening to him or he wasn't praying very hard... but really.
It doesn't say much at all. If you wanted to be cruel you could say what they say, that your faith wasn't strong enough. But they'd probably say the Devil went out that night.
They're just pathetic people. And they're not moving society along, they're actually stopping it. And they're saying it's all going to hell. It's not, They were saying that two thousand years ago. The Romans were thinking that these Christians were actually destroying society. They were saying the exact same things about Christians as they are saying about other people now. But these people are important. [Metal for the Brain pictures.] And they are doing a good job. Because they make people think. Anyone who makes people think is doing a good job.
I believe, and Angelica will tell you, she did readings at a Gothic nightclub, Subculture, on Saturday night. They were all Gothic people. And as Angelica said if people had seen them on the street they would have been pretty scared of them because they were pretty outlandish. But she said they were the most polite, nicest people she has ever met. And she does a lot of New Age fairs. We do social groups. And she says they're the nicest people you would want to meet.
A lot of main stream people would rip them off as Satanists, bad people, druggies. But she said they were very polite, very balanced young people. She has more trouble with older people, the so-called Christian people.
They're the nicest customers who come in here. The worst ones are those anal retentive Christians. You see them, they've got bad hair cuts, lousy dress sense, little glasses, and they're mean little Characters. And they're humourless.
I can tell straight away because they say 'interesting shop you have here'. It's a reverse complement. You know their saying it's a questionable shop you have here.
But these other people are real nice, probably trying to work out what the hell is life. Because every body is, and I wouldn't know. I don't pretend to have the answers like the Christians do. And even the New Age people think they do. If you have a bad day, well then you're just not white lighting enough. Or you're having a bad day, then you're just not praying enough. Where as if you're real then life's a bit of a struggle.
It's not like a bowl of Cherry. I think that those people who are Realists know that life is very hard and that maybe the meaning is to experience. I wouldn't go so far as the Catholic thing is to suffer.
But you do want to shake your fists and rebel, and I think that's a good thing. Those who don't I don't think is a good thing because it's repressive. But those people who go around dressed like that [Metal for the Brain pictures.] who go around causing trouble and even smash church windows, I think is very healthy.
In fact I'd like to see more than just smashed widows. And that is to bring the whole Church down! Or to turn them into shrines or museums of religious atrocities down through the ages. That's what I'd like to turn them into, memorials.
If I had my way I'd say there you go, close down the churches. Make it illegal for them to own property. Spend the money that they have on real social services instead of this conditional rubbish.
I'll help you in the street if you embrace Christ. That's a cone. What if the person in the street has too much intelligence, has too much pride to do that?
And I'd get the National Trust involved and say you earmark the National Trust significant Churches. Probably a few in the city. And the rest of them turned into photographic studios or poker machine places. Which is what they basically are anyway, they're money lenders anyway, all these churches.
I get annoy because they're all making six thousand dollars deals, a lot of them now, from the Optus mobile phone towers. Where does that six thousand dollars go? In to the community? It's all a con.
Angelica was asked to comment on a fellow who went and burnt a Church, and I was very thankful that he asked her rather than me because I would have endorsed it.
Because I can understand those kids. Because priests make about thirty thousand dollars stiffen, Anglican priests, tax-free. If you package it up and put in a car, it's ninety thousand dollars. Because I had an accountant actually sit down as work out how much they make.
So if you're a person on the street seeing how much they're making. The Catholic Church takes up five pages in the Yellow Pages, of property. You can understand their rage.
So it's a powerful institution, it will probably take a long time to really bring down. But no doubt man will build some other edifice in its place.
But there's nothing wrong with these people, they're all nice. I grew up with people like Alice Cooper, these are all Alice Cooper mark two people. It's youth. And there's nothing wrong with it. Like I said before when was the last time you've heard of someone killing someone over a teaching in the Satanic Bible compared to someone who has molested a little boy or raped a little girl who believes in the Holy Bible.
The Holy Bible has caused more trouble than the Satanic Bible. But that's what they like to say "Oh, Satanic Bible - Evil!" No the most evil book is the one which you worship.
It's shocking. You're a Tasmanian. Arthur Phillip was an Anglican and he was responsible for Christianising the Tasmanian Aborigines. [And now they're all dead.]
They're moved from one side to the other to get them into a reservation. Those who weren't Christianised went off to Flinders Island. And that was Christianity at work.
They turn around and say these people are leading people astray. Nooooo. The people with the brightest light, usually cast the longest shadows. So if Christ is the brightest light, then his shadow is very, very long. [Tape runs out.]
Drew Sinton can be contacted through The Fall of Because. Or visit The Haunted Ghost Tour web site at: http://www.haunted.com.au


Interview 1999
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