Someone said it
“I have to go to the bathroom.”
I don’t know who; but they said it at exactly the right time.
The buses pulled over
people got off.
people sat there
a little bored.
Then someone said it:
What are they doing by those bushes?”
Someone shouted
“What are you doing?”
It came back
almost like an echo.
“Eating blackberries!”
Well, that was it.
We piled out as fast as we could
some through the doors
some through the windows.
Breathed in the hot air
a contrast from the stuffy buses
and picked
got poked
picking a dozen and popping them into your mouth
exploding purple
over hands
and mouths
one at a time
reaching far back to that
guarded by the thorns
that reached for hands
and loose clothes
and anyone that dared intrude
in the sacred temple of the blackberry.
Someone shouted
“I’m bleeding!”
We were all bleeding
blackberry juice.
Someone said it
We piled in
some through the doors
some through the windows
We stuck to the plastic seats
licked the juice off our hands.
After that,
oranges tasted sour.