What I write is basically, how annoyed I am. I take the weather and play off of it. Complain that I couldn’t wear my new T-shirt because it was too cold. Insult people. Tell everyone how to act.
I write my reports any way I want. Just remember, I am All Powerful. What I Say, Goes. If it rained while I was wearing a tank top, something’s obviously wrong. And it’s never me. That's my mantra. I chant it to myself as I type. I Am All Powerful. What I Say, Goes. I Am Never Wrong. My Whether report is basically a vent. I spew out all my hot air and it disappears and never does any harm. Besides the occasional maniac who runs around destroying cities and kissing people until someone shoots him. But besides that, Whether reports are harmless. I swear!
* One restriction, if you live in Santa Barbara County, IT’S MINE! THAT’S MY DOMAIN! GET AWAY!!