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By: Findabhiar Aery

In the Nightworld series, there is a theory called, suprise suprise, "The Soulmate Theory". This would be the theory that there is one perfect mate for each person in the world. This is signalled by a deep mental connection, a sort of "Don't I know you?" type of feeling. A limitless love. Not lost through death, nor any sort of seperation. If, of course, you are lucky enough to find your perfect mate.

Symbolised by a silver cord connecting the two individuals, there is always a feeling of missing something if you have not found him/her and a feeling of utter fufilment if you have. Sometimes though, this connection is too painful, too deep, for some people to bear. Such as in "Daughters of Darkness", Mary-Lynnette and Ash's extreme love. They decide to be apart because of, first off, Ash feels like he is not good enough for her, and has to make amendments, and second, that their love, their connection, is just too painful, too much for them, so they seperate. For a year at least, at the end of the book.

Perhaps this is present in actual society, and not just in fictional books made from an author's amazing creativeness. People tend to feel extreme emotions, attachments, toward one another. But then again, maybe this is just a hopeful feeling to stem the human emotion of thinking they are not happy if they are alone. This is part of human nature. Maybe people are so afriad of being alone, that they imagine love in something akin to a friendship, and try to take it farther so that they can be able to be with this person who hopefully feels the same way. I don't enjoy this idea, perhaps because it plays on deep insecurities of mine, so I will continue to believe in love. Ageless love, soulmates.... It just presents that lovely question of, "What if...". What if I find that person? Wishes that may one day come true.
