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The Shadow Realm RPG - Run by Crystal
The Millennium battle is over. The Night World have won. Circle Daybreak lost the Fourth Wild Power. The remaining Daybreakers have fled to a remote island called New Salem where they have met a small coven of witches, some of them specialising in runes. Playing with runes, a few of the Daybreak witches and the coven members bring back everyone’s favourite Shadow Man. Vacationing in small area, are a group of psychics, crossing paths with the Daybreakers and witches. Also, when Winnie Arlin’s cousin Bonnie shows up with her friends, more confusion. The Night World have heard about all these strange new people meeting up, and decide they want some of them on their side. How this all ends up…it’s up to the players.

For those interested in playing the RPG, you play your Shadow Realm character. To join send your member name, email you want to use for the RPG to Crystal at or

If you play an LJS character, for instance, Maggie Neely, you must play her as she is described in Black Dawn. She cannot suddenly discover, that she is a long lost Blackthorn/Redfern and decide to live life as a lamia with Delos. If you decide to have her changed into a vampire, then that’s fine.

If you want to invent a character and their soulmate, fine. When I get your name and address, I’ll be asking for a character description. I’ll need your character name, species, a brief description, special talents and anything else you’d like to mention. Also, what book the character is from. I’ll only allow ten of each LJS family, I don’t want hundreds of new Redferns, Blackthorns, Harmans. I’ll also allow ten half vampires/half witches. If you want to create a new species, say, a shapeshifter unlimited animals, then that’s fine. Also fine if you want to create a new clan, family.

Rules/ FAQs.
Keep everything at a sort of PG-13/15 level, up to mild R/18/ I’ll allow a little violence, some death scenes, mild sex scenes, but nothing too graphic. You’ll be warned if I think you’re going too over the top.

Only move your own character. If you want to move someone else’s character, say, if a plot starts between Keller and Elena, you must ask the owner of that character if you wish to use them.

For now, play no more than two characters. If everyone starts playing lots of characters it gets confusing. If you want to play two characters, use another email account, don’t play everyone under one address, so other people can join in the plot.

No killing anyone else’s character without their permission. You can start arguments in plot scenes, characters not getting on, you can fight them, like Hunter and Rashel would probably want to fight if they end up together, but if you don’t play Hunter, you can’t kill him. I’ll have records of who’s playing whom and email addresses, so if you want a copy, then mail me and I’ll send you one. Also, Rashel will have a copy of these, so if for some reason you can’t get hold of me, get hold of her at

There’s no real limit as to how many times you post, just allow half an hour or so for other people to read and see if they want to join in.

If you want to change your character, then tell me, so I can put the available name up. If you do decide to change, then you must write it into the plot line. Same for if you decide to leave the game. Write your character out if you just want to leave, or think you might come back. If you don’t want to come back, and just leave your character open ended, it’s up to everyone else what happens, whether they die or what. Please TELL ME if you want to leave, particularly if your character is your own created one.

Any other questions then email them to Crystal ( or ) and I’ll answer them. Or AIM me at IceQueen811.

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