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the sky is burning:
independent words, lines, and thoughts


living the sunrise Arrival at the Nirvana of Death On a Sunny Sunday Afternoon
"Birth" The Sons of John Brown flying machine
living the sunrise

nite 'rain

tomorrow tonight,
birds and sparrows fly across a canvas,
brilliant lights and shades of pastel,
spinning and dancing in the photoelectric seas of the morning lights,
basking in the strange promises of a new day,
new rhythms and shades of light,
dance and sing of beautiful colors,
existing inside the stitches of embroidered silks,
of vivid presences and oceans and small yellow strings,
sunrise, sunrise, sunrise,
a new light enters my soul and lets me burn like a phoenix on a stage in the morning light.

Arrival at the Nirvana of Death On a Sunny Sunday Afternoon

melanie allen

She saw herself lying there and she knew she had arrived
the scars in her world like the scars in the system,
the alignment was now perfect-
a reflection had been achieved
for a moment she breathed, and it was with the world
but she couldn't hold her breath that long,
and she had to let it go.
A moment of blessed unity as her face turned blue,
waiting for the time when the world would exhale,
but she knew she would let it go one way or another-
the world submerges in times of unbreath,
for hours, days, eons- it didn't matter-
all were out of reach of her lungs
But the unity! Unity…
All was silent in the room as her face turned purple,
blood crying out for the denied oxygen,
brain pulsing with thirst-
then, nothing.
She saw herself lying there and knew that she had arrived.


nalej magnetic allah (charles mitchell when written)

I'm lost,
Knowing that common cents doesn't come at just any cost
but it still must be bought
procreation of my lyrics on to the page, a skill self-taught.
With vocabulary masturbation,
elevated contemplation,
Green smoke Fills the room,
hesitated respiration,
In a metaphysical state,
things in which the matter of this realm can not relate... to
2 is wisdom,
45 degrees being born into a cataclysm
caused from the collision
of my mental cipher with the rhythm

The Sons of John Brown

ben nadler

We are The Sons of John Brown
like the Daughters of the Confederacy
except that we were laughing when the Old South burned.
We are modern day abolitionists
not exactly sure what it is that we wish to abolish
but we do know that we are pushing for a day
when America can be like South Africa.*
Which is to say now that we have abolished segregation
let's free Mumia Abu-Jamal and make him president.
The good Reverend Jesse Jackson will set up a Truth and Reconciliation
which will hold the FBI accountable for King's murder
and the Nation of Islam Responsible for Malcolm's.
We are The Sons of John Brown
because once upon a time they asked Malcolm if any whites could join him
and he said, "If Jon Brown were alive he could."
I would like to be thought of as someone who is righteous enough
that he could have hung with Malcolm-
wouldn't you?
We are The Sons of John Brown
an entire subculture of self hating crackers
who wake up every morning and look in the mirror
and wish that we could shed that pale sickly skin like a snake
who don't believe half of what they teach us in school
and are rightfully ashamed of the other half.
I'm not talking about some suburban minstrel
aping whatever he sees on MTV.
What I'm talking about is something different (I hope)
the kids who listen to Public Enemy
and write book reports on Nat Turner's confession
who know that the Black Panthers were real American heroes
and aren't afraid of affirmative action.
We are The Sons of John Brown
and we're going to change the name of that show to
Donta Dawson's Creek.
In the first episode we're going to lock up Officer DiPasquale
so Donta can finally rest in peace.
In the second episode we're going to shoot David Duke
because it's about time somebody shot David Duke.
In the third episode we're going to try to build a world
where children are not judged by the color of their skin
or the price of their shoes
but by the merit of their character.
Then in the fourth episode we're going to have to face the inevitable white
The Christian Right will ascend to power
on a platform banning integration, immigration, sodomy, and not worshipping Jesus.
They'll burn this poem and all my zines
and brown shirted klansmen will drag us outside
line us up against the schoolhouse wall and shoot us.
But that's a risk that we have to take because
we are The Sons of John Brown.
We are The Sons of John Brown.

*I stole this line from my friend Ross but he said it's ok

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*love everything*