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I would really appreciate it if you put one of my banners on your website...thanx!!! :-) If you do though, remember to save them to YOUR computer and not link them to my website..that is called "bandwidth" and is MeAn!!!

***This banner works good with medium colored background because it is transparent and the address at the bottom of it won't show up on lighter colored ones***

CLICK HERE if you are looking for a 100x100 size banner.

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There have been people interested in my banners!
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This page has been Copywrited ŠLady Lauren 1999, 2000
This means that all graphics on my page I either made myself and are copywrited or I have used others pictures with their permission. Please do NOT steal graphics on ANY of my pages. Stealing of any type is illegal, even on the internet. It is called Bandwidth. If anyone catches you stealing, you can be reported causing your site to be terminated from many popular webhosts including angelfire, expage, geocities, etc.. So please do not steal graphics. Instead, save them to YOUR server, and upload them to your own webpage. It is the right thing to do!!!