Nightingale Woman by Tarbul of Canopius I lie in bliss, surrounded by the mist, Caressing and swirling, dissipating in the night air. The sky beckons me as it glimpses through the trees, Bedecked in jewel-encrusted stars its adornment a pearl moon pair. Arise! For lo I hear, one who is dear. Her sweet call entices me to stretch out my arms so longingly. The rustling leaves pull apart accenting the beating of my heart, As gracefully she moves sliding, gliding so sensuously. My love has wings, slendered feathered things, with grace, and upswept curve, and tapered tips. Her delicate form alights, glowing in the night, With reverence her name slips from my lips. Bounded to the ground, without another sound, Slowly I move into the widening, silken arms. Her shimmering wings enfold, what warmth, depth to behold! My life eternally entwines within her infinite charms. Rising, she pulls me up while ecstasy fills my cup. Clinging to my alien angel, I breathe the enticing scent of her hair. All too soon I will lie in bliss, once again surrounded by the mist, Awaiting my lover's call, sweetly singing in the night air.