• What is Macondo?
Macondo Espacio Cultural was a non-profit, volunteer-run, community-based cultural organization.
It was dedicated to providing a space for art forms that are often overlooked and ignored, and free expression independent of mainstream controlled mediums.
Over the course of Macondo's existence, it presented a kaleidoscope of events such as musicians from the Latin American new song movement, traditional
and experimental musicians from diverse cultures, independent films, hardcore and rock shows, arts and crafts workshops, readings, photography and painting
exhibitions, graffiti exhibitions and workshops, political and social conferences, and open discussions.
All the activities that took place at Macondo had two vital things in common:
- a desire for creating a better world through honest expression, and
- the hope of enabling a better understanding of each other through communication
In 1992, Macondo expanded its activities to include hardcore music, as it was an independent and positive force in the lives of those involved. To
commemorate the 10-year anniversary of this, Work Is A Four-Letter Word presents an archive of flyers for the hardcore shows Macondo held from 1992
to 1996. Smile!
• Who is Macondo?
The members of Macondo during this period were:
- Raymond Chou
- Oscar Cruz
- Erik Diaz
- Carlos Menendez
- Dan Palmer
- Paula Ramirez
- Julietta Reynoso
- Paola Reynoso
- Raymundo Reynoso
- Raymundo Tonatiuh Reynoso
- Gary Rorie
- Edith Trejo
- Remedios Vazquez
- Thomas Wong
- Dirk Yoshida.
Year 1992
- Social Justice, Strife, Bottom Line, Knowledge Threat [80.5 KB] -- Sun. May 31, 1992
- Social Justice, Strife, Interlocked, Outright [74.5 KB] -- Sat. June 13, 1992
- Downcast, One Step Ahead, Strife, Diesel, Interlocked [80.0 KB] -- Sun. July 12, 1992
- Resurrection, Lifetime, Strife, Unbroken [81.7 KB] -- Sun. July 26, 1992
- One Step Ahead, Social Justice, Game Face, Ice, Knowledge Threat [70.7 KB] -- Sat. August 15, 1992
- Outspoken, Face Value, Pitbull, Unbroken, Interlocked [76.2 KB] -- Sun. Augst 23, 1992
- Still Life, Diesel, Honeywell, Evergreen, Driftwood, Casperspook [73.4 KB] -- Sun. September 13, 1992
- Sparkmarker, Diesel, Honeywell, Interlocked, Bikini Kill [76.6 KB] -- Sun. October 4, 1992
- Samiam, Sensefield, Still Life, One Step Ahead [67.0 KB] -- Sun. October 11, 1992
- Green Day Beekeeper, Canopy, Driftwood, Rugburn [76.8 KB] -- Sun. October 18, 1992
- Chorus of Disapproval, Strife, Social Justice, Mean Season, Ice [66.7 KB] -- Sun. November 01, 1992
- Sensefield, Evergreen, Driftwood [64.4 KB] -- Wed. November 18, 1992
- Consequence [56.1 KB] -- Fri. December 04, 1992
Year 1993
- Unwound, Still Life, Diesel, Kerosene 454 [58.8 KB] -- Thurs. January 07, 1993
- Hell No!, Merel, Man Is The Bastard, Diesel, Honeywell [74.3 KB] -- Thurs. January 14, 1993
- Strife, Focused, Ice, Function, Consequence, Casperspook [76.4 KB] -- Fri. January 15, 1993
- Still Life, Driftwood, Missing Honey, Evergreen, Casperspook [70.6 KB] -- Fri. January 22, 1993
- Focused, Casperspook, Consequence, Remain + special guests! [75.8 KB] -- Fri. January 29, 1993
- The Mr. T Experience, Sense Field, Soul Fire, Horace Pinker, Pocket [64.3 KB]-- Sun. February 07, 1993
- Born Against, Heroin, Diesel, Brookhurst [89.3 KB]-- Fri. February 12, 1993
- Blackspot, Strife, Function, Remain [80.6 KB] -- Fri. February 26, 1993
- Spitboy, J Church, Rain Like The Sound Of Trains, Driftwood, Beekeeper [78.6 KB] -- Sun. February 28, 1993
- Sensefield, Game Face, Evergreen, Remain [72.8 KB] -- Fri. March 12, 1993
- Jawbreaker, Still Life, Evergreen, Casperspook, Manumission, Lumps [78.5 KB] -- Sun. April 04, 1993
- Supertouch, Farside, Strife, Stagger [65.8 KB] -- Sat. April 10, 1993
- Down By Law, Holy Water, Distorted Pony, Bobsled [81.9 KB] -- Sun. April 18, 1993
- Bikini Kill, Not For The Lack Of Trying, Lather, Canopy [80.6 KB] -- Sun. April 25, 1993
- Avail, Campaign, Not For The Lack Of Trying, Antioch, Arrow [39.3 KB] -- Sun. May 23, 1993
- Worlds Collide, Strife, Downset, Consequence, Remain, FYP [51.6 KB] -- Sun. June 13, 1993
- Into Another, Railhead, Ashesdust, Smile [79.1 KB] -- Sat. June 26, 1993
- Game Face, Casperspook, Saltlick [50.4 KB] -- Fri. July 16, 1993
- Life Time, Chorus of Disapproval, Bouncing Souls, Neck Deep, Cereal [51.1 KB]- Tues. July 20, 1993
- Sparkmarker, Undertow, Strife, Remain, Unbroken [41.2 KB] -- Sun. August 01, 1993
- Blackspot, Drift Again, Ashes, Entity, Darkroom [43.5 KB] -- Tues. August 10, 1993
- Phleg Camp, Casperspook [64.3 KB] -- Mon. October 11, 1993
- Spitboy, Still Life, Manumission [77.9 KB] -- Sat. October 16, 1993
- Game Face, Bouncing Souls, Remain, New Day [40.8 KB] -- Sat. November 13, 1993
- Sensefield, Kerosene 454, Shroom Union, Klikitat Ikatowi [60.1 KB] -- Sat. December 11, 1993
Year 1994
- Process, Outright, Change For The Better, Center Point [86.5 KB] -- Fri. January 14, 1994
- Sensefield, Still Life, Evergreen [76.6 KB] -- Sat. February 05, 1994
- Undertow, Strife, New Day [43.1 KB] -- Sun. March 13, 1994
- Still Life, Evergreen, Casperspook, Fondles, Seesaw, Tummy Ache [62.6 KB] -- Sat. May 07, 1994
- Strife, Mean Season, Remain, Entity [67.2 KB] -- Sat. May 21, 1994
- Spitboy, Shroom Union, Jara, Angelhair [79.8 KB] -- Sat. May 28, 1994
- Farside, State Of The Nation, Cult of Eugene, Lunkhead [74.8 KB] -- Thurs. June 16, 1994
- Bouncing Souls, Game Face, Casperspook, Pawn [51.7 KB] -- Sun. July 10, 1994
- Endpoint, Farside, Split lip, Ellis, Strength 6.91 [47.3 KB] -- Fri. July 15, 1994
- Sensefield, Ashes, Dayspring, Pawn, Enswell [45.1 KB] -- Sun. July 17, 1994
- Slant 6, Undertow, Unbroken, Klikitat Ikatowi [55.1 KB] -- Fri. July 22, 1994
- Heavens To Betsy, Tummyache, Excuse 17, Switched At Birth [51.0 KB] -- Tues. July 26, 1994
- Snapcase, Lifetime, Remain [73.8 KB] -- Thurs. August 11, 1994
- Evergreen, Enswell, Cult of Eugene, Fucking Angels, Nuzzle [73.3 KB] -- Sat. August 13, 1994
- Sparkmarker, Casperspook, Pawn, New Day [54.1 KB] -- Fri. August 19, 1994
- Mouthpiece, Undertow [54.2 KB] -- Sat. August 20, 1994
- Sensefield, Evergreen, Triggerman, Cult of Eugene [35.9 KB] -- Sat. October 29, 1994
- Still Life, Casperspook, Pawn, Julia, Embassy [40.9 KB] -- Sat. December 03, 1994
- Jara, Tummy Ache, Crown For Athena, Crash and Brittany, Amber Inn [35.5 KB] -- Fri. December 09, 1994
- Unbroken, Mean Season, Process, Iwishi [56.5 KB] -- Fri. December 16, 1994
- Farside, Triggerman, Casperspook, Malfunction [42.7 KB] -- Fri. December 30, 1994
Year 1995
- Avail, Jara, Embassy, Pawn [27.0 KB] -- Sun. January 01, 1995
- Iceburn, State of the Nation, Whirlpool [60.8 KB] -- Sat. January 07, 1995
- Still Life, Jara, Pawn, Crack [38.8 KB] -- Sun. March 05, 1995
- Lois, Tummy Ache, Go Kart, Connect 4 [53.7 KB] -- Fri. March 10, 1995
- Sensefield, Cult of Eugene, Lidsville, Smile [46.9 KB] -- Sat. March 11, 1995
- Evergreen, Seesaw, Los Cinco, Crown for Athena, Cambria [75.6 KB] -- Sat. May 06, 1995
- Bloodlet, Focused, Frown, Refuge, Excessive Force [68.3 KB] -- Sat. May 13, 1995
- Still Life, Roaring Judies, Far, Casperspook, Soonest Mended [71.1 KB] -- Sun. June 18, 1995
- Still Life, Palefire, Daredevil, Contagen, Nuclear Winter [71.1 KB] -- Fri. June 23, 1995
- Cult of Eugene, Cambria, Emery, Rear View Mirror [72.9 KB] -- Sat. June 24, 1995
- Los Crudos, Turnedown, Galaxy Bee [51.3 KB] -- Tues. July 11, 1995
- Lois, Phranc, Tummy Ache, 151, Misery, plus spoken word and a self-defense demonstration [61.6 KB] -- Fri. July 28, 1995
- Four Walls Falling, Eyelid, the Q Factor, 1134, Palefire [59.0 KB] -- Sat. July 29, 1995
- Shades Apart, Sensefield, Casperspook, Whirlpool [64.6 KB] -- Fri. August 18, 1995
- Nuzzle, Emery, Strictly Ballroom, Surface [41.5 KB] -- Sat. October 07, 1995
- Strife, 1134, Eyelid, Far [45.7 KB] -- Sat. October 28, 1995
- Farside, Game Face, Texas Is The Reason, Shift [39.2 KB] -- Sun. November 12, 1995
Year 1996
- Suppression Swing, Eyelid, Stickfigure Carousel, Frown [57.7 KB] -- Sat. March 02, 1996
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