G. W. Bush: Stupid Is The Man
Still not convinced that George W. Bush is an idiot? Then read on my friend...

Recent Bush "mistatements".

1) "Donald Rumsfeld is an exceptional man with integrity and honesty as the cornerstone of his foundation." -- Jan. 2001, Bush speaking after Rumsfeld takes his oath of loyalty

Should he not have said that Rumsfeld "is an exceptional man with integrity and honesty as the foundation of his cornerstone"?

2) "I believe America should lead the Nation." -- Public statement, given on the place of the US in the world.

Bush is still learning that "our Nation" is distinct from the world. Will he get it right before he gives orders for the next full scale war?

3) "To love a neighbor how they would like to be loved themselves".

Recall that Bush's favorite "philosopher" is Jesus Christ. Leave it to Bush to destroy the simplicity of "Love thy neighbor as thyself," and substitute his own version. This may be his one and only contribution to Christian theology.

4) ". . . America, its hope, its promise, to extrend its influence throughout the world . . ." -- Speech on "Faith based initiatives", Jan. 27)

The word "extrend", is perhaps a portmanteau word, combining the words "extend" and "trend".

5) "We are looking at a mandatery policy"

I believe he meant "mandatory".

6) A reporter asked Bush if his faith based initiative would erode the wall of separation between church and state. Bush said he believed his plan was constitutional. At one point he reflected,

"I heard a lot of talk in Texas about my faith based initiatives eroding the bridge between church and state . . . " --


Has Bush actually read Thomas Jefferson's famous letter on the "wall of separation" between church and state? Has he read any relevant Supreme Court decisions on Church - State separation? Has he read anything? What does Bush mean by a BRIDGE between Church and State?

7) "I am mindful of preserving executive powers for myself."


Bush appears to have very serious speech problems, and displays an inability to grasp basic legal, geographical, and linguistic distinctions. Yet the Washington Post last week called his first week in office a resounding success. Is this a case of the Emperor having no clothes, while the servile courtiers gaze on his nudity without so much as a smirk?

Why are the media so overwhelmingly tolerant of Bush's monumental stupidity? Any theories? I find this virtually unprecedented. (Though Reagan was given a pass, at least he could deliver a speech which someone else had written. G.W. Bush cannot even do that.)