from: Zach Horowitz

President and Chief Operating Officer

Universal Music Group

Dear Colleague,

We need your help.

There is important legislation being challenged in the California State Senate that could affect our industry and our company. Universal Music Group is a member of the California Music Coalition, a group of businesses and individuals in the recording business committed to keeping jobs and opportunity in our state by opposing the new legislation which would change current law.

The change will jeopardize our financial return from recording agreements and will result in all California record companies being placed at a competitive disadvantage when compared to music companies in all other states.

I encourage each of you to become more familiar with the California 7-Year Statute by going to this website created by the Recording Industry Association of America.

On June 3rd,4th and 5th, the RIAA will be in our offices in Santa Monica,Universal City, and Los Angeles asking employees to participate in an important letter-writing campaign to California legislators. They will be on-hand to generate letters on your behalf. It will take only a few minutes to lend your name, address and signature. The RIAA will print and mail the letter directly to your state legislator. More details will be sent by Corporate Communications in a separate message to you.

If you cannot leave your desk to do this in-person, simply log onto the website above and go to the "Take Action" page. You can generate letters to your respective CA Assemblymember and Senator by entering your home address. Then sign and send the original hard copy interoffice to UMG Corporate Communications, Santa Monica, 6th Floor, Attn: Liza deVilla. It will be mailed on your behalf.

Again, please take a moment to become familiar with this critical legislation. I hope you can help us.

Zach Horowitz

President and Chief Operating Officer

Universal Music Group