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see a new creation

start anywhere: i am a SPONGE!!!


It is a different holiday season: More people are taking the Sept. 11 terror attacks harder than we thought, and just want to stay home. People cocoon in their homes leaving quiet, empty streets in our neighborhoods.

Cynics complain that we should never have had to use the terror attacks to make us realize how important family could be.

There are many other things that happened on that particular Tuesday, but the attacks took precedence. And we've definitely learned several things after 10:20 a.m. Sept. 11.

Joanne Macalindong differentiates the kinds of gifts she gets from Santa and the ones she gets from Jesus.

Switch, who had to work Christmas Eve, tells of the deserted downtown Chicago streets on supposedly one of the busiest shopping nights of the year. 

We're reminded of true service when Maricris Dizon and other Illinois top leaders facilitate a Chicago-area youth camp reminiscent of Bagong Silang in the Philippines.

And in the meantime, CFC Illinois hosts the Woman on Fire Conference, the usual New Year resolutions are formed, YFC cheers written, movies seen, music heard, games played, letters written and pictures taken.

We're reminded of the costly work of making the Lord known to all in the coming year by CFC Council Elder Frank Padilla. But despite the imminent costs to us, Jeff Abad leans on God's promises of help and victory and considers our sacrifice worth it.

It is time once again for The Word. We can't thank the contributors and staff writers enough for their wonderful writings, HTML code and design tips. We can't thank you, the reader, enough, for your valuable critiques and generous encouragements. We can't praise the Lord enough for this chance to serve Him in images, script and words.

With cautious, yet certain joy we hope you have a Happy New 2002. May this new year be even more joyous and filled with the grace of God than the last. 

The Word

patriotic symbolTribute to 9/11:
Sept. 11 blog
This World Blog
Gilbert's Video

Jesus and SantaOf fact and faction:
The thick line between Jesus and Santa. Joanne Macalindog shares.

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urban crossParent's Piece:
Year-end message from CFC elders and our parents.

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Deserted streets bestow abundant gifts to one who doubled back to the train tracks Christmas Eve.

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angels on highI am a SPONGE!!!
Top leaders toppled by a reminder to be like a sponge. Maricris Dizon explains.

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Our God never changes wherever we go, as Mary Grace Hermano learned.

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woohoo! yfc cheerFreeSpeak:
Bring it On, YFC!

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click hereAd Infinitum:
An ape planet, a broomstick and the escape from water. Oh, and a game too.

_ Lame game of the quarter
_ Rule the Planet: Theory 1
_ Rule the Planet: Theory 2
_ 21st century escapism
_ 2H1O
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graphic from university of missouri college of educationSoundSpace:
11 CDs to listen to

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woman on fire conferenceImages:
_ None other nostalgia: Phenomenal women
_ Loyola Fall 2001 camp
_ University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign F.A.C.T. 2001
_ Christmas party 2001
_ Ill random pix
_ YFC Maryland|Virginia's Discovery Camp III
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The Word of the LordThe Word of the Lord:
Jeff Abad reminds us of a seasonless lesson about carrying sacks of rocks.

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033002: Rhythm of Lent

093001: Sept. 16, 2001
033101: Midwest EXERT
120500: 'Tis the season
111800: Prepare the way
083100: Someone watches over Kit
081200: Victory Conference
072100: Seventy YFC-Chicago to Seattle

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