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      As if something had just transpired, occurred, taken place; the thought of something actually happening. But from out of nowhere, nowhere. Not nowhere but somewhere inside the brain, somewhere absolute. Maybe like that Josef K guy. Something not pleasant but not like that guy K in the story at all cause it wasn't sudden. It wasn't a knock at the door. No, it wasn't a quick thing that could be detected and exactly pinned down; fixed at a moment in time. It wasn't gradual though either so if it wasn't sudden and it wasn't gradual what the fuck was it? It was possibly everything since birth, everything since birth somehow creeping up in the mind like a murderer. Possibly a very personal thing maybe scary and sacred, sacred but! Hey. Amazing. Something to do with not knowing what to do at all. Just having no idea. No clue what is actually happening. An inability to see things clearly, what one has to be doing. A daydream and then the image of some sort of foodstuff like tofu, aye. Just tofu and the absence of voice. No voice in the head like for all this time since birth everything was, always has been, just waiting to go blank. Always there but never doing anything just lying there latent, except for just now, there it is right there out in the open, right out in the open inside the head, a blankness of unquestionable depth, come on, no way, no chance, it would have to be depthless if it was actually a blankness but it wasn't depthless either too. And that was something that couldn't be known about. Perhaps it was just sleep. Or fear of sleep.

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