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April 20, 2000Well I found out the date of my abortion. May 8th at 7:30 am. I'm also having an ultrasound on April 28 at 10 am. Im getting scared. Last night i dreamt that i was really cranky and i yelled at everyone. When they asked me what was wrong, I said "Im getting an ultrasound done next week and im going to flip out!". Weird huh? I wish i knew what dreams really meant. I woke up feeling sick this morning, as i usually do, and so i ate a few arrowroot cookies because they usually help. But as i sat in JD's living room watching The Price is Right something just didnt feel right. I ended up in the bathroom saying good bye to my cookies. I once heard that vommiting is your body's way of telling you that your not accepting something thats going on in your in life. That seems so true. Maybe thats why im so sick all the time..because im not ready to accept my pregnancy.