Legal and Stuff
92530i is written, designed and published by Shaun McCracken. All images
created on this site is property of Shaun McCracken and 92530i unless otherwise
indicated. All titles of systems, games and characters are trademarks of their
respective companies. All reviews are property of Shaun McCracken unless other-
wise indicated.
About 92530i
92530i (92530 Interactive) is based in Lake Elsinore, CA. This site was pretty much named after the city's zip-code, but it's not just for the people of this city. It's a site anyone around the world can enjoy. 92530i is devoted to console gaming of the present, as well as the past. 92530i is not just dedicated to reviews, but as well as special content you won't see anywhere else!
92530i is relatively new, but I have been making gaming websites since 1999. The first site I created was called "For Your Eyes Only", which was basically a design nightmare with mish-mashed content. Later on, the site was re-made and actually had some great content, until I lost my account with Homestead because they wanted members to pay for their webpages. I then moved on to Geocities, and created SPM Online back in 2001. It never really caught on, with minimal visits, if any. After a whole re-working in late 2002, SPM Online started to see some modest patronage, but wasn't the hit I imagined, especially with a lot of content.
But now things are about to change. I want to make 92530i a force to be reckoned with, and gain more visitors than ever before. The most notable aspect is within the new features. Now there are more specials and content than ever before! The reviews will be updated as fast as I can write them, but I want to give viewers more things they can enjoy.
92530i is for you, and if you don't visit, then why am I doing this?
Contact Info
For questions or comments, click here, with "questions" or "comment" in the subject line.
For FREE advertising of your independent site, click here
with the subject line of "independent advertising". Let me know if you have a
banner ad in .gif or .jpeg format!
If you wish to submit a review not seen here, click here with the title of the game, system and the word "review" in the subject line (example: "Super Mario Sunshine, GC, Review"). *Reviews should be at least 2 paragraphs long (with 7-11 sentences per paragraph), and sound as well thought out as my reviews (which isn't asking much). Also include each categorical score that is seen in reviews (I'll take care of the graphic). Be sure to leave a name or alias to recieve the credit. And sorry, no cash. I can't afford it. This is for people who like games and wish to submit a review without having to make a site.