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Who knew action could be this boring?

Game Information
ESRB Rating: Teen
Publisher: Rockstar
Developer: Bungie
Genre: Action
Players: 1
Year: 2000
Memory Required: NA
Online: No

Settling The Score
The artwork is great, and perhaps one of the games only redeeming features.
Blah. Bland environments with washed out textures and a lot of visual repetition.
There's not a whole lot going on soundwise during the game, with music coming in only so often.
I wan't a big fan of the control scheme, and some of the moves are a chore to pull off. It's als just not that fun of a game to play.
Replay Value
After a couple of hours, I was just tired of the damn game. Nothing really wanted me to come back an play again.
Reviewers Impression
I remember this being pretty hyped, either because of it's design or the fact that is was one of the first PS2 games to come out. In either case, the game sure didn't live up to it.
Overall (not an avg.)
It's amazing that the same company who put out a product this mediocre went to do the critically hailed Halo on the Xbox. Maybe the quality we've seen here is an indication to where most of the company's resources went.

Written By Shaun McCracken

This review is probably going to be pretty short. My experience with this game was not a pleasant one. After only playing it for a couple of hours, I never really felt compelled to play it again, and thank God I never bought it, even though it goes for cheap. For most repsected gamers, a hour or so is all you need to really see how flawed and jilted this game is. And what's odd is the developer, Bungie, went on to do Halo, which is a million-plus seller. I ask, what gives?

Oni's plot is foregettabl. I think it was about this woman who is either programmed or trained by this organization for a reason, and she must stop a threat from occuring. She is able to pull off agile (meh) manuvers, and use stealth tactics to subdue her enemies. Of course, this would be a little more feasible if the controls were a little more intuitive. So many moves need to be done with so little buttons, and when timing is everything, things start to fall apart. I demand a little more accuracy than what was done here. If this game were to follow Syphon Filter's model, the game would have been a lot more playable.

The graphics, for a PS2 game, are not so hot. While I don't see any pixelation in textures, which is fine, most of the textures are muddy and washed out. Now I can understand that the PS2 may have a limited texture capabillity, but I have seen so much better done with the hardware. Look at Ridge Racer V, another game released around this one. The textures are nicer, brighter and more detailed. Here, we're served up some nasty looking mung. Ok, maybe not that nasty, but it's very uninspiring. And as for the camera, I've seen better ones in Jet Grind Radio. While Oni's is not that ballistic, you really need to shift around often. And I know the developers were trying to be helpful by making objects transparent when you get close to them to prevent the obstruction of your view, but I wish they hadn't. It looks really strange.

The sound is not that great, either. First of all, where's the music? I would like to have something to carry the pace rather than abrupt silence or sound clips. The voice acting is ok, but not enitrely special. I've heard better, and you probably have too. The effects are on par.

Overall, Oni is a big let-down in terms of it's place in genre. It touts to be an action game, and rarely delivers the goods. I didn't mention the fact that enemy placement is rather sparse, but, I told you this review wouldn't be long. The graphics aren't demonstrative of the "leap" you wanted to see at the time the console was released. It looks like a really smoothed out 1997 PC game. Oni is really not worth investing your time in. If you must, rent the game. As for buying it, take your money and run.

1999-2003 SPM Creative Publishing