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Dawn of a New Age Covenant


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Here's a self portrait of me....

I suppose I should tell you a little bit about myself- I guess I'll start with one statement: I'm not gothic or evil. I'm merely...erm.. different? I always have been I suppose. I've never fit in, though I spent the majority of my pathetic life trying to. I just kinda fell into my own a while ago. I have a passion for many things, including my art, music, and relationships. I've never really considered myself real attractive. Lol, odd thing to say, but I consider myself too thin for my own good. Y'know, just plain bony... blah! anyways... I love my art which is currently centered around faeric wicca, though I like to try other things too. I am REALLY trying to improve.. it's gettin there little by little too. Music (and my mood) is what mostly inspires what I draw. I have a fairly wide variety of music tastes, though I mostly enjoy metal. Artists I like include: A Perfect Circle, Kittie, Tool, Deftones, Marilyn Manson, The Cure, Garbage, Fiona Apple, Alanis Morrisette, Ozzy Osborne, SOME slipknot, My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult, Nine Inch Nails, Staind, God Lives Underwater, Filter, Smashing Pumpikins, and Enigma... there's more but those are the main ones. Music lifts my spirits or calms me down. It's an escape into other people's thoughts. I love my Music. 'nuff said. Um... lesse, relationships are extremely important to me. Whether it be relationships with my friends, my family, or my boyfriend. All of which I love very dearly. I believe that bonds and openess among those you love is very important. It takes a great deal for a person to be open with those that are close to them. This I know well... anyways, I had better stop babbling and get on with my wannabe art! Please enjoy and leave lotsa COMMENTS! THANKS FOR HEARIN ME OUT AN STUFF.

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