ALL AGES had the chance to catch up with Adam Lohrbach, lead singer of Homegrown, while they were on a brief tour with Good Charlotte. In a dimly lit hallway at the Norva in Norfolk, VA with kids running by and screaming Benji's so hot, we just laughed and did our interivew.
1. Your music has undergone some changes in the past few years, how would you describe your style for someone who hasn't heard you?
Pop rock. I mean our style is still very poppy, but it's a little darker and more lyrically mature.
2. Would you rather headline or open a show and why?
Open. Headlining means more responsibilities. You can't party and hang out as much.
3. How has the scene responded to "Kings of Pop?"
This is the best by far. We took four years off so for us it is just like starting over and gaining a whole new fanbase. I would also like to point out that I just woke up and it's what 6:30 PM
4. What does the name Homegrown mean?
I don't know really. The name was in place before I was in the band, but I am assuming it means what you think it does.
5. Which band past or present would you love to play a show with?
Cyndi Lauper and Mandy Moore because I am obsessed with both of them. Wham and New Found Glory too.
6. How does this tour with Good Charlotte differ from your last one with Mest?
Mest made us party more. They practically forced us to. Good Charlotte is very mellow and more down to earth. This is a fun tour and they are really nice guys.
7. Which one of your songs means the most to you and why?
Cannot Stop The World. All of them on the new album mean a lot to me. It is therapy music to me.
8. What is your definition of selling out?
Selling out every show. I hate that word.
9. What CD is currently spinning in your CD player?
New Cave In album, Hot Rod Circuit, New Thursday EP, and a band called Adara. They just gave me their demo.
10. Do You prefer to play a show at a club or festival type event?
A Club is more intimate and the kids are more in a show mood. At a festival they may not be there for the music.
11. What was the first punk song you ever heard?
Screeching Weasel's Boogada album
12. What was it about the punk scene that attracted you to it?
No 40 hour a week jobs was motive enough. I will never again be a cashier.
13. What is it like when a kid says it's because of your inspiration that they started a band?
That's the best compliment you can get. Or when someone says that you helped them through bad times or changed their lives somehow.
14. What made you name your album after a nickname spawned from Micahel Jackson?
Well see we are the kings, plural, he is the king. But we've taken his place. Maybe not the Thriller Michael Jackson, but the new one, he's done.
15. What was the best part about being in the local Orange County scene before it blew up?
The OC scene is really supportive. There is like 8 to 10 places that you can play. There is a lot of room for exposure.
16. What is your favorite activity to do in the van in between gigs?
Fishing. Bass fishing. We load up the back of the van with fishing equipment. I am dead serious about that. We stop every place that we can and fish.
17. Is there a mainstream push planned for Homegrown this year?
No, but we did shoot 2 videos. One for "You're Not Alone" and the other for "Kiss Me Diss Me." MTV banned that one for nudity.
18. What would you be doing if Homegrown no longer existed?
Professional Fisherman. Would not be a cashier.
19. What are your favorite venues to play?
I am so bad with names but i can give you places. Boston, Jersey, Chicago, Minneapolis, Arizona, Seattle, and local show are always fun.
20. What do you miss the most when you are on the road?
Jeff/Laura - You don't get that on the road?
I have a girlfriend back home.