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At Home Dads of Greater Dallas - Playgroups




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Get out of the House!

The At Home Dads of Greater Dallas has 4- 5 different playgroups a week. They are set to accommodate almost every possible nap or preschool schedule. Each day has an assigned coordinator responsible for hosting the play group in their home or at another location. Locations have included zoos, parks, restaurant playlands, homes, backyards, and malls. You can attend one or all of the play groups. All of the dads and their children are invited to participate.

To get on the playgroups mailing list sign up at the JOIN page. Once approved, you will receive an email each morning from that day's playgroup host as to where that day's playgroup is going to be held. If you prefer not to get an email each day there's a place on the web you can check. The information will be there too.