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Thursday, 1 February 2007
You Drunk Girl!
At New Page 1

When the media "discovered" at-home dads back in the early 90's  we squirmed through a series of pieces comparing us to the Mr. Mom movie, the media just lapped it up and drooled for more. As the skepticism of dads parenting skills gave way to praise, the stories slowly dissolved to syrupy father's day pieces to fill the producers quota during the Father's Day Holiday season. The Today Show's last gasp of at-home dad playgroups  featured the Seattle At-Home Dads last May and they treated me with kid's gloves.  Now that we've been beaten up, sweet talked and forgiven, they showed us what it would take to feature an at-home moms playgroup....a glass of wine.   Armed with the Oprah-sanctioned Dr Janet Taylor and  Meredith View Viera, they ganged up on mommy blogger Melissa Summers of Suburban Bliss because they found out some mommy groups threw in a bottle of wine in their diaper bag.  The segment created a Mooninite-like blog buzz on dozens of mommy blogs and a few daddy ones.  Funny thing.....the Aqua Teen Hunger Force "hoax", didn't scare New York City  where the Today show is aired, but a mom with a glass of wine in her hand gets transformed into a scary piece titled  Happy Hour for Moms.   It's a mom drinking a glass of wine!! Get over it!! . Now get yourself a can of beer and check out  Melissa's take on the whole stupid thing.




Posted by athomedad at 9:40 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 10 February 2007 4:22 PM EST
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