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Friday, 16 February 2007
The earliest at-home dad TV interview ever?


Check out this vintage 1983 TV clip of Hour Magazine that was just stuck on youtube. You got host Gary Collins  interviewing the relatively young Kyle Pruett and a dad who Collins giddily exclaims is a real life Mr Mom!  What's interesting about this kids glove interview is that Collins describes it as a "relatively new phenomenon"  How did they know this? Well I am guessing they got their proof due to the the hot movie Mr Mom which was was coincidently released that year. 

Playground News Update -  I've added 2 more entries to the playgroup list... first, Brian Russell of Oregon noticed  there wasn't a single dad's group in the state, so he decided to be the first one. If you live in or near Portland, get in touch. Second If you live down-under check out the Aussie Dads from Australia.

Posted by athomedad at 1:38 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 16 February 2007 10:47 PM EST
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