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Monday, 19 March 2007

Gawker take note


Fathers are like having a day-old helium balloon around the house

Gawker take note,  Jerry Seinfeld was spotted  here over the weekend and offered his  glimpse of fatherhood. "Why would you want someone in your house who craps in his pants while looking you in the face and even smiling about it a little?" Fathers, he concluded, are like having a day-old helium balloon around the house:  "It's just hanging out, floating somewhere between the floor and the ceiling. The rest of the family has to decide, 'Do I play with it, pop it? Why is it even here?' "  Source: steve barnes, times union, (albany, ny)

Posted by athomedad at 11:13 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 19 March 2007 9:00 PM EDT
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