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Thursday, 6 September 2007
What Dana Glazer did on his summer vacation.

Filmmaker Dana Glazer has had quite a summer.  It started off with a stunning 431,868 hits on his youtube video on dads (It was featured by their home page on Father's Day) and gave a nice plug to his upcoming Evolution of Dads documentry.

Since then he has ramped up his work schedule for his movie and sent me his account of his adventures below, expect to see these folks in his movie.

1. Sociologist/auther Scott Coltrane - Visited NYC a couple of weeks ago and and we interviewed him extensively.

2. State Trooper/SAHD Kevin Knussman - who has been a focal point in the media due to how he sued the State Troopers of MD on account that they wouldn't allow him to paternity leave when his wife became very ill and he was forced to be the primary caregiver for their newborn. The case lasted 10 years and garnered national exposure, including a mention in a book by Hillary Clinton as well as a radio address by President Clinton.

3. We also got some footage of the DC Rally on August 18th that revolved around some angry dads who feel that the court system is working against them regarding custodial battles.

4. We also filmed more on-the-street interviews with people in and around NYC asking questions that pertained to perceptions of what a father should be, SAHDs and peoples' relations with their own dads. Some of the findings I mentioned in our blog.

5. We're currently planning a trip to Kansas City, MO to film the SAHD  convention as well as profile the National Center for Fathering.

6. We are also planning on hopefully interviewing Senator Dodd, who is  currently pushing some legislation to expand paternity leave.

7. Below is new video of SAHD Dallas Hayes who pulls no punches on the "Mr Mom Crap"

If he gets half of the heavy-hitters in fatherhood and a-list celebrities he is lining up (I promised not to mention them here) he is on the way to a first class documentry on par with films such as Supersize Me, Spellbound, and Sicko. As usual I will keep you updated.

- Pete

Posted by athomedad at 12:52 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 6 September 2007 1:39 PM EDT
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