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Friday, 7 September 2007
Imagine living the same book topic over and over...

How's this for a new novel idea, man has job, man has baby, man writes book about taking care of baby. or in PR speak   It's the battle-cry of a red-blooded male thrust into a world he always thought was for someone else. Adam Keeble of New York City is the latest guy/dad to take this topic on: His working book title? I Got You Babe


Funny thing, the book title gave me the urge to watch Groundhog Day with the kids last night, it was funny, again.

The last man who tried to relive this same at-home dad book topic failed. I'll let you know next summer when the book is released if it pans out, if not then just watch the movie.

[more at 

- pete

Posted by athomedad at 9:45 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 7 September 2007 2:51 PM EDT
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