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Tuesday, 11 September 2007
Pregnant women to get $400 cash if they reach 26 weeks.


My new UK contact, Edmund of Daddy's Dinner is having trouble watching the news these days "due to the constant Pokemon at the moment", but he did happen to share with me the latest madness to be announced in the UK tomorrow by England's Health secretary Alan Johnson.

He tells me the English government is planning to give pregnant women (29 weeks) a £200 ($406 US) payment to encourage them to eat more healthily. Ed says he "really doesn't see that working." A look around the UK news show this idea is not getting a lot of support.

BBC News tracked one spokeswoman (National Childbirth Trust) who stated "...the logistics of the scheme need to concentrate on ensuring that the funding directly benefits women and their babies nutritionally."

Or in layman's terms: More cigarettes and booze! Hooray!!  (posted in the largely negative
comments section of the article by "Chester")

Posted by athomedad at 1:21 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 11 September 2007 5:34 PM EDT
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