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Wednesday, 19 September 2007
Zero Boss is back but probably not in the way you want.

Those that know Jay Allen's  zero boss blog would be surprised to see that yesterday's post on his
new blog goes something like this:

C# 3.0: Getting Dynamic  - Since I hyped a Ruby feature
in my previous post, I should acknowledge the ways in which C# 3.0 is making itself a more dynamic language.......The C# team is definitely going the extra mile to mimic many of the trends in modern languages, and get C# at least a little closer to NBL.

Well you get the idea:  Jay Allen is back, probably not in the way you  are used to but it's the way he wants.  He's living in Oklahoma, (by choice he writes) and is getting back to the life he wants. So from now on you can expect more of  Collections in .NET: Coding to the Highest Level of Abstraction.

Posted by athomedad at 3:56 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 20 September 2007 3:08 PM EDT
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Saturday, 29 September 2007 - 12:32 AM EDT

Name: "Jay Andrew Allen"
Home Page:

Heh  - funny you chose that pic. I've been off the sauce for over three months running. :) 

Wednesday, 3 October 2007 - 12:48 PM EDT

Name: zine2/athomedad
Home Page:

Jay, I'll stick another one up there if you like...or send one over.. (am  still reading your new blog even if I know nothing about C# 3.0)

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