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Monday, 1 October 2007
What to expect when you're naked and your wife walks in.

Check out Chicago Pop's fabulous lead-in over at Daddy Dialectic. It starts out like a playboy forum fantasy should and ends like... a well....

Coming home from work to find your wife nude in the living room is supposed to be one of the classic male heterosexual fantasies. So I naturally wondered if the reverse might be true when, at about 6:30 one evening, I stood naked at the top of the stairs as my wife came in the door below..... [more]

Playgroup Update: I've added 3 new playgroups to the playgroup list, The MatSu Dads  Anchorage Alaska,  Baytown Area Daddy and Me Playgroup  Baytown, Texas (Houston area), and Salem, Oregon. e-mail

Posted by athomedad at 9:35 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 1 October 2007 9:45 AM EDT
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