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men who change diapers change the world

Monday, 15 October 2007
Huffington Post puts at-home dads on double secret probation


Peggy Drexler over at the all powerful Huffington Post gave the At-Home Dad Convention a nice plug.

She didn't raise any new points as she reminded us of the low US census numbers and put out a reminder not to call us Mr Mom. But she did note the emerging evidence that moms have the last word around the house wether they are there or not. 

Using her husband as her anecdotal evidence she writes:

My husband was between jobs for a number of months and took over the care and chauffeuring of our young daughter. Before long, I was eyeing him the way white corpuscles eye a splinter. Out!

We're past the days when men could handle two TV remotes the way the Earp brothers handled their pistols at the OK Corral - yet be mystified by the three dials on a washing machine. Still they are more likely to apply the five second rule (anything dropped that is not on the floor for more than five seconds is ok to eat), mismatch an occasional school outfit and are secure in the belief that dishes left in a sink for the afternoon do not cause Ebola. There can be a nagging feeling on the part of moms that, in their absence, things might not be running with mom-like precision.

I think many of us, including moms are guilty of using the 5 second rule (I use 10 seconds), not matching my kids clothes, and leave a few dirty dishes now and then. But if thats all thats left for moms to leave that nagging feeling behind, I say that's progress!

Am I saying that more dads staying home to take care of the kids is a mistake? Not at all. It's wonderful. But I am saying it's not a slam-dunk swap.

None the less, I viewed it as positive article, but be warned we are on double secret probation. 

Would have been nice if she gave the convention a link though.  

[ref: The Huffington Post]

Posted by athomedad at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 15 October 2007 10:38 AM EDT
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Sunday, 14 October 2007 - 11:30 AM EDT

Name: "Eric"

I found your site through your at-home-dad post.

It is my wife that she is describing when she describes her husbands "failings".  It's very arrogant for her to think that all moms can run a household with "mom-like precision".  She hasn't met my wife - and many others.

Why don't you change the subititle of your site?  Your kids are not wearing diapers anymore.  My two boys are are out of them too.  Why associate all  at-home-dads with diapers?  

Ever look at the google ads on your site?  All about stay at home moms!  Ironic! (I know you can't control them.)  I clicked on them to support you - as everybody should.






Friday, 19 October 2007 - 11:07 AM EDT

Name: "MileHiDad"
Home Page:

Hey Pete,

Andy is now out of DSP at the HuffPost!

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