Topic: Media
On my hot seat today is Rep. Cynthia Davis, (R-O'Fallon), and not just because she bought herself a truck for personal use with state money a bunch of years back, or what I think are questionable parenting techniques.
According to KMOU of Columbia, Missouri, Davis is trying to push a bill through the house to pay at-home moms $600 each year they care for children under the age of 16. A nice gesture, but dads need not apply. Davis informed the NBC affiliate reporter Sarah Hollenbeck "only women can be nurturers" and has intentionally left dads out of the bill.
Let's send send a bunch of emails to NBC reporter Sarah at, The more emails the better.... I don't think it will take too much pressure and a followup article from more dads to get her to re-think her misguided position.
There's an auto me if you click her email above. I'll keep you posted.
- Pete
Updated: Friday, 27 February 2009 10:36 AM EST
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