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Friday, 27 February 2009
More exposure on parenting bill excluding at-home dads

   Thanks to reader Joe Akers, Rep Davis has more comments to mull over to read opposing her bill which excludes dads from her parenting bill. 
He sent in this letter below to the St Louis Post-Dispatch which was published last night

It seems that Ms. Davis has sponsored a bill that will provide a yearly tax credit for stay at home mothers.  While I applaud her recognition that parents who stay at home deserve compensation, she has left out what I feel is a key component of this bill.   It has come to my attention that she specifically wants to exclude stay at home fathers because we are “not good nurturers” and we are unequipped to give birth or breastfeed.  Those are her sole arguments for the exclusion.  I feel this deserves to be brought to the attention of the St. Louis area, as I have received lots of encouragement from friends and family to not only e-mail members of State Government but to make the local press aware of this as well.  While I don’t know many personally, I believe there are many stay at home fathers in this area, and I think they need to be made aware of this legislation.   Such discriminatory legislation needs to be brought to the attention of the community as well.

The comments are already being posted from their readers. Here are a few...

Ladies and Gentlemen…
The face of what’s left of the Republican Party. aka Nutty right-wing flat earthers who are not real bright. see also, Sarah Palin
10:39 pm February 26th, 2009 

As to the wisdom of this bill - consider its author…
Well, at least she is not (apparently) limiting it to “Christian” stay-at-home Moms…
— Thomas F. Maher
 2:10 am February 27th, 2009 

So this is the biggest issues facing our state and the St.Charles County area? I have met Rep. Davis, very nice person but kind of out there. You can’t complain too much, the people keep voting for her.
— reddog
 8:39 am February 27th, 2009 

You people complain too much. Stay-at-home dads, while not considered as prevalent, can ALWAYS be written into the legislation.
I would challenge those of you complaining to show me some pieces of legislation that are perfect from the moment they’re filed. (other than right-to-work, hehehe)
In all honesty, I think it’s a stupid, far-reaching bill, and it probably has an unaffordable fiscal note, to boot.
— Jim (the republican)                 more..... 

Thanks agin for the letters! They are making an impact. I will  keep you posted..

Posted by athomedad at 12:03 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 27 February 2009 12:17 PM EST
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Wednesday, 11 March 2009 - 4:25 PM EDT

Name: "Nick"

With all my free time lately, with the kids being in school and sports, all I do now is go to and earn free stuff. I think I'm going to save up for an X-Box for the kids! They pay you to do offers. It's great.

Wednesday, 25 March 2009 - 1:32 PM EDT

Name: "b"

That is terrible, you may have been lucky that you could nurse a baby, but remember it takes something to make a fertile egg- and you don't have it- last I checked!

Friday, 5 June 2009 - 4:06 PM EDT

Name: "Stay-at-home Moms"
Home Page:

I don't know why it is any different for a man to stay home then it is for a mother. They are both parents to their child. I had a very nutuering father and I think that all fathers should have a problem with this bill. 

Wednesday, 10 June 2009 - 11:49 AM EDT

Name: "Paul"

What does a 16 year old father of twins do to get hands-on education to raise my children and regain custody from the state?  For females there are residential settings to allow the teen mom and her child(ren) to live and learn under supervision and education. What does maine have? They want to terminate my rights next month.

Tuesday, 16 June 2009 - 10:26 AM EDT

Name: "Mike J."

My first visit to this site is now and the first comment I see is from a rude Democrat-type who thinks that Rep.Davis represents all Republican "flat-earth" whatever and ANOTHER in the long-line of stupid un-caring remarks about Gov.Sarah Palin.  Dave Letterman just got admonished by Missouri Sen.Claire McCaskil for this kind of rude talk.  You can be a jerk all you want, but I sure hope that you are not teaching your children to be rude about other people's beliefs and opinions.  I don't like this bill excluding stay-at-home Dads either, but I'm not blaming one party or the other! 

Friday, 4 September 2009 - 10:12 AM EDT

Name: "K."

If you don't like the bill, write HER a letter instead of posting here.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010 - 6:05 PM EDT

Name: "Carl"

I came to this site for the first time hoping to connect with other stay at home dads and the first thing I read is a liberal moron slamming Sarah Palin.  Lovely.  Yes.  Because the left has done so much for us.....We will be a third world toilet by the time Obama and crew has their way.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013 - 3:39 PM EST

Name: "Cj"

I realize I'm replying to a very old post, but my sentiments exactly. I get the feeling that conservatives aren't welcomed here. First and last visit.

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