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Wednesday, 12 May 2004
Lazy dads found in Africa

The UN put out a 2003 Human Development Report which showed the "work burdens in selected countries" In the report it listed the number of minutes spent working by males and females per day. Of course we end up with a list which has to have some country at the bottom. The "loser" was Africa with 273 minutes (4 1/2 hrs) per day. The number was more than an hour and a half less than the average and over 2 hours less than the US. The report was from 2000 statistics.

When you end up at the bottom of any public list, some guy is gonna get mad. Well, Reporter Kuben Chetty of The Daily News in South Africa found the guy. She promptly located Chris Slabber of Durban, South Africa, a local at-home dad to 2 sons who proudly proclaimed "We're not a bunch of lazy sods!" At Durban's Tourism website their motto is "South African's Playground" Maybe I will set up Mr. Slabber with a playgroup there.

Speaking of playgroup I'd like to welcome Michael Roediger's East Pittsburgh Stay-at-Home Dads playgroup to the Network Playgroup list.

Posted by athomedad at 4:29 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 12 May 2004 4:32 PM EDT
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