The first ever satire of an at-home dad article has been done by the National Lampoon. Under the guise of the Housekeeping Monthly, the title is: The Comtemporary (sic) Guide For Stay At Home Dads. It's complete with tips, on cleaning, cooking, laundry and "bedroom duties" (sex). Of course this means we are officially in the mainstream. I thought You'd get a kick out of it even though it's for the Junior High crowd, (I started reading National Lampoon after I stopped reading Mad when I was 13). One of the tips given: How to straighten up around the house - A clean house will go a long way in your wife?s eyes. To make this chore much easier, use a snow-shovel or the blunt edge of plywood, and push the toys into a neat pile behind a door or into a neglected hall closet. Dishes that might have accumulated during the day should be piled high on the kitchen counter. Preferably, right next to the empty dishwasher. One outstanding Stay at Home Dad told us how he would move and clear the furniture so that when his wife came home, she had a clear and unobstructed path to vacuum. Thanks for the Tip Doug!
I've finally started reading "How Tough Can It Be" Rebel Dad has already read it and posted his comments. I will have comments on it soon as well as The Daily Yak.
Posted by athomedad
at 5:23 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 31 May 2004 6:10 PM EDT
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Updated: Monday, 31 May 2004 6:10 PM EDT
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