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Wednesday, 8 December 2004
Is there life after kindergarden?
Is there life after Kindergarden

I was cruising through the many dad journals today and found a post in Homo Domesticus  written by a Texas dad  who is home with his 6-year old son Jacob.  With his son in the first grade, he found himself in discussions with his wife that you may/will have once your kids are sitting in school buildings six hours a day. He writes,  "Trish and I decided that I would get the rest of the year to decide what I wanted to do with myself."  what's funny is that like Jammer,  I have had the same discussion with my wife from time to time, even one last night. She said "so what are you goals for the rest of your life?"  I felt a little defensive, since I didn't do the best clean-up job yesterday and she cleaned the breezeway that was littered from a Christmas party we had last weekend. But on the other hand I even wrote a chapter on it in my book on it with a few dads praising the benefits of staying home,  but then again you can wonder in a weak moment....  the kids aren't here, am I really helping them?? After a talk about the benefits the kids get vs. the finances, and an agreement that we would re-visit the issue in a year my wife understood. But I needed more proof. 

Now imagine this fine boy below (that's my 9 year old son son David) looking at you...  and having this conversation... 


   Q  What would you think if I was not home all day?

   A  I'D HATE IT! 

  Q  Why?"

  A  Because you wouldn't be home!

  Q  Why do you want me home

  A  I don't know

  Q  What don't you know?

  A  I like the feeling that you are home and I like the feeling when you are home when I get home

     That's good enough for me, I'm staying home.

Posted by athomedad at 1:57 PM EST
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