Topic: Blog comments
Chip off the old blog - I'd like to welcome daddychip
to the daddy blog block. He's a former stay-at-home dad who wishes he could
have stayed at home longer. It's refreshing to see a dad still sharing his
thoughts after his kids are in grade school. From reading his first posts
he's a good dad in my book. Check out his neat post
about the demise of his car. and his son's reaction to Mr Tow truck hauling it
away. These at-home-dad-car-posts have gotten my attention as I was busy
wrecking my Buick Lesabre last week in a harrowing accident with a semi.
The guy just pulled into
my lane (blind spot?) sending me spinning into an Escort which then hit a limo. (No
injuries). Funny though, I remember countless movies of people watching
the world go round when their car spins, but when I was whirling around, I can
just remember one moment in time looking directly into the oncoming cars headed
toward before a second back-side SMASH into the truck. The Buick probably saved
my life, If I had a SUV I would
have rolled over, If I had an escort I wouldn't be here. In any case my car was totaled
so I am in the hunt for a new car.. Sorry, I don't think I will be buying
athomedaddy's Escort
as I will
continue with a new Buick. (The Escort post should probably be posted in
athomedaddy's dark
Updated: Wednesday, 16 February 2005 11:05 AM EST
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