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Wednesday, 11 June 2008
Dont Tease me Bro!
Here's Dana Glazer's teaser trailer of his Evolution of Dad Project in time for Fathers Day. If the trailer is any indication, the movie ought to be a hit and will hit a few necessary nerves.  If you like you can chip in a few bucks to the cause here.

Posted by athomedad at 5:11 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 11 June 2008 5:18 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 3 June 2008
First Fathers Day Media Request.

Got this e-mail from a Boston globe reporter, she's done a few stories in the past that have been well done, if you fit the bill send her off an email to

     Boston Globe's Balancing Acts Columnist, Maggie Jackson, is looking to interview new stay at home dads about their first days or months at home. What was the most surprising? How have others reacted? What drives you crazy about staying at home with the kids - and does this differ from what moms feel and learn? I'm particularly looking for dads who have begun staying home because they've lost a job or for economic reasons. Deadline: This Friday but the sooner the better!

Posted by athomedad at 7:07 PM EDT
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Sunday, 27 April 2008
1-800-flowers responds...

Looks like we might have had an impact on the 800-Flowers "Mr Mom" blunder

My thanks to the readers who sent out a letter to the CEO to take Mr Mom off, and while a few got $25 gift certicates in response it didn't do the trick.   

An alert mom from Virginia just happened to look at the Mother's day contest and reports they've replaced the Mr. Mom category with the Office Mom" category.

Posted by athomedad at 6:05 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 27 April 2008 6:07 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 16 April 2008
1-800-Flowers wins the Mr Mom ad blunder of the year contest

For a Mother's Day PR stunt 1-800-flowers sent a press release today announcing "The Celebrate Mom For Who She Is Contest"

Apparently they've picked the five most prevalent Mom personalities and would like you to choose which one best describes your mom and why. What may throw you dads off your diaper tables is that Mr Mom is one of the categories.

In the contest below They even encourage to just make the story about mom, after all it's her day!

As a side note,  one of the prizes is tickets to The Martha Stewart Show  who not only had a well blogged about "Mr Mom show" but has a business link with the Flowers CEO Jim McCann. I emailed Jim through media relations to request the Mr Mom category removed from the contest. If you would like to join me in taking this out send an email to Yanique Woodall of media relations at  I will let you know if common sense prevails and they hire a proof reader.

In the meantime if you get flowers for your wife on Mothers Day, skip the phone call and pick them out of your backyard instead.
















Posted by athomedad at 10:06 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 16 April 2008 12:36 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 2 April 2008
Video: Rebel Dad on the Today show
Topic: tv shows

In case you missed it this morning, Brian Reid of Rebel Dad made his cameo appearance on the Today show. The segment started off with a feature on Meg and Rich Lucas of the Austin Stay at Home Dads Playgroup. The typical at-home dad TV feature scene is shown with Rich giving the goodbye kiss to his wife before she rushes off to work. (The "morning scramble").  Although the tone of the 2 minute feature treated the at-home dad scene as a new phenomenon, they still couldn't resist sticking a Mr Mom scene in there. At least they were nice enough to point out that "Hollywood has not helped matters any" while showing the movie clip.  All in all Brian and Dr. Aaron Rochlen of UTexas did a great job in the 3 minutes interview representing the rest of us.

(Clix the pix to see the flix)











Posted by athomedad at 10:51 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 2 April 2008 12:07 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 26 March 2008
This pregnant man will *not* be offended if you call him a Mr Mom.

I don't think Thomas Beatie would be offended if you called him a Mr. Mom.

When he penned the Advocate's story on "his" pregnancy (due date: July 3rd) it put the media machine on high alert effectivly clogging the Advocate's servers and shutting it down yesterday. The moment the story was published every paper started spewing out National Enquirer headlines like:

'Pregnant' man stuns medical profession

Pregnant Man Is Five Months Along

Pregnant Man?: Find Out How It Happened

Of course reading the story on his decision, we find out that he's biologically a women (transman) and he's got a fasinating story to tell.  Check it out below.. if you can get in.











[ref: The Observer Labor of Love. - keep reloading if it says "service unavailbale]

Posted by athomedad at 2:04 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 26 March 2008 2:11 PM EDT
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Monday, 24 March 2008
Boston playgroup takes the plunge into social networking.
Topic: Playgroup News









The North of Boston Dads playgroup out of Wakefield, MA  (formally the nobaddad group) has transformed itself into to what I think may be the first social networking playgroup for at-home dads.  They used an easy to build playform provided by ning if you want to give this app a whack.

Posted by athomedad at 1:42 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 24 March 2008 2:10 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 19 March 2008
Hogan's latest dad handbook thriller.

A bit late here but I thought I'd  follow up on Hogan Hilling's handbook style Modern Mom's Guide to Dads. Hogan might be on to something here, cause when I was hawking subscriptions to my hard copy At-Home Dad newsletter my first publicity was in Women's Day. Let's face it, dads don't want to read about themselves, their wives do.  Hogan does a good job catering to the Redbook reading moms who are struggling with the age old, why-don't-just-we-talk-more-and why-can't-you-take-care of the kids exactly like-I-do problems. And oh yea the sex what happend to the sex? Do yourself a favor and get your wife a copy for Mother's Day. You know she wants it.

Posted by athomedad at 1:08 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 15 January 2008
Baby Poll: Hillary cries. Baby doesn't.

At first glance when any presidental candidate sees a person who looks like Michael Moore they may have shied away from a confrontation, but on second look it was Darren Garnick of Slate sporting his 5 month old daughter. And well.... who can turn that photo opp down.

And with any original, and cute stunt, the talk show circuit took the story and ran with it. Maybe the baby sensed that a Clinton passed the Family and Medical Leave Act as high marks in baby handling went to the Democrats with Hillary and topping the list. Republicans McCain and Guilianni got a teary reception but McCain handled it well joking "well there goes another vote" Giuliani, faced with this crisis quickly panicked and tossed the baby back. Yes I know, any first reaction by a baby is meaningless, but the media can have a lasting impression.


[ref: Slate,  Garnick's full slideshow]

Posted by athomedad at 9:19 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 15 January 2008 9:21 AM EST
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Monday, 24 December 2007
Best quote ever on fatherhood.

Sometimes your biggest hero of all isn’t famous. Sometimes he’s only known to his family, his friends and his business associates. Sometimes his accomplishments are modest. Maybe he isn’t rich. Maybe he hasn’t made a contribution that will change the world. But all that doesn’t matter when the hero changes your world. That was what my Dad did.

Don Rickles

Posted by athomedad at 9:12 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 2 January 2008 8:18 AM EST
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