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Thursday, 1 February 2007
You Drunk Girl!
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When the media "discovered" at-home dads back in the early 90's  we squirmed through a series of pieces comparing us to the Mr. Mom movie, the media just lapped it up and drooled for more. As the skepticism of dads parenting skills gave way to praise, the stories slowly dissolved to syrupy father's day pieces to fill the producers quota during the Father's Day Holiday season. The Today Show's last gasp of at-home dad playgroups  featured the Seattle At-Home Dads last May and they treated me with kid's gloves.  Now that we've been beaten up, sweet talked and forgiven, they showed us what it would take to feature an at-home moms playgroup....a glass of wine.   Armed with the Oprah-sanctioned Dr Janet Taylor and  Meredith View Viera, they ganged up on mommy blogger Melissa Summers of Suburban Bliss because they found out some mommy groups threw in a bottle of wine in their diaper bag.  The segment created a Mooninite-like blog buzz on dozens of mommy blogs and a few daddy ones.  Funny thing.....the Aqua Teen Hunger Force "hoax", didn't scare New York City  where the Today show is aired, but a mom with a glass of wine in her hand gets transformed into a scary piece titled  Happy Hour for Moms.   It's a mom drinking a glass of wine!! Get over it!! . Now get yourself a can of beer and check out  Melissa's take on the whole stupid thing.




Posted by athomedad at 9:40 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 10 February 2007 4:22 PM EST
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Friday, 12 January 2007
A homecoming for Matt Lauer?
Topic: Media
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In this weeks Time Magazine, Matt Lauer hinted that he could join the at-home dad ranks.. He was asked where he sees himself in 10 years. His reply? Probably on some baseball field coaching my son's Little League.  At some point I'll take early retirement to be a stay-at-home dad, Mr Mom. Too bad he had to clarify what an at-home dad was by throwing in the M word. Check back here in in 10 years, I'll keep you posted. 

Posted by athomedad at 10:27 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 10 February 2007 4:23 PM EST
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Wednesday, 25 October 2006
And now in aisle 3.... a new spokeman for at-home dads.
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Last week the At-Home Dad Network Message Board  reached a milestone ... it's 1000th member. Below is a post put up by a Wyoming at-home dad on that board just a few days ago.  I say we sign up the supermarket cashier mentioned in the post for the convention keynote.  It's nice to see the ladies sticking up for the dads in public for a change. 

     Good change and something that might offer a bit of positive in our struggle against societal norms. I had a surprise moment of support this very week at the grocery store we frequent. On Wednesday it is grocery day. The three year old and I have been going since his first year and now the infant travels along. We've gotten to know almost all of the cashiers. They know that I am a home dad and have the babies every day.
Yesterday, the infant was in prime gurgle-coo mode and we were cooing back and running the typical "no" argument game (we have made it into a weekly ritual verbal game that the little boy loves- he holds up anything he can pick up and says, "I need this" and I say no in a variety of ways) in the check out line wait. Suddenly this older woman and her mother were in line behind me and began a litany of comments about the situation, "Must be dad's day off. Maybe he was laid off. Maybe he works in the oil field..." and criticisms, "My kids would never ask for so much stuff. That baby probably needs changed (for real this was said) Look at the snot on that kids face." (there was snot on the infants face) I was doing my best to ignore as I unloaded my cart and continued the "no" game. They were really loud. I get this sort of thing often (it sounds like some of you guys do too) so it really wasn't a big deal. Maybe a few years build tough skin.
     Then, out of nowhere (I was still busy) the cashier said in a loud voice, "Excuse me ladies." We all turned. Then she commenced to tell them off. I wish I could remember everything she said, it was quite powerful for me. But it was to the gist that I was an excellent father, was a stay at home dad by choice, took excellent care of my kids, and had less problems than most mothers she sees in this line. Then the cashier in the line behind us agreed in a loud voice. I think I turned bright crimson and got a bit watery in the eyes.
    The ladies didn't say another word. I thanked the cashier, still feeling hyper-humbled. She winked and told me it had to be said. I guess what we do doesn't always go unnoticed. It is also nice when it is acknowledged. And, I have to say, I haven't felt this puffed up about the choice to stay home. 

(The vid at top is just eye candy enjoy...)

Posted by athomedad at 12:34 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 10 February 2007 4:23 PM EST
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Monday, 21 August 2006

Topic: at-home dad convention
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On November 11th, 2006 between 8 am and 5 pm, the At-Home Dad’s Convention will be beginning its second decade in a new home, Kansas City, Missouri. Hosted by the University of Missouri’s Women’s Center, this year’s convention is geared towards helping the at-home dad make his job easier. Some of the breakout sessions that will be offered this year include: Keeping Track Of Your Kids On The Internet,  Growing Your At-Home Dad Group, Informational Resources For At-Home Dads, Home Business Networking, Kids, Nutrition, and Behavior, Investing For The Future , Digital Photography Archiving, Child Safety,  “Is it just my kid?” An Age-Group Based open Forum and how to Create and Publish a Blog.  Big thanks for all those who have taken on this volunteer effort to keep the convention going!

Posted by athomedad at 2:25 PM EDT
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Sunday, 20 August 2006
Google Fight
Topic: "Mr Mom" Googlefight
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Watch today's Google fight search battle between "Mr Mom" and "At Home Dad"  "Mr Mom" has always won this catfight until today.

Posted by athomedad at 12:18 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 20 August 2006 12:21 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 16 May 2006
Seattle Playgroup Video from the Today Show
Topic: Media
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Here's the Video for the The Seattle At-Home Dads Group that was on the Today Show this Monday morning.  Chris Nelson of the group was featured.  We had a fun night in New York and didn't get into the Survivor Finale, but we did spot past survivor winner Ethan who also ended up interviewing my wife for a CBS promo (in picture). The next morning we had fun with the Today show where I huddled with other nervous book authors in the green room for 30 minutes before they smothered us with make up for our interview with Ann Curry, (it's right after the Seattle playgroup video).  We were in and out of there in 4 minutes, then flown back to New England just in time to pump out our flooded basement in our North Andover, MA home.

Posted by athomedad at 12:45 AM EDT
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Friday, 12 May 2006
My Wife and I do a Quickie in NY
Topic: tv shows
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My Wife and I do a quickie in NY,  but before I get into that, the Seattle At-Home Dads Group, will be on the NBC Today Show on Monday (the 15th).  Ed C. of Renton, WA reports that his Seattle group and one of their dads will be profiled . He also noted that they got a nice write-up in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer last month. As for the quickie, My wife and I  will be interviewed for a few minutes on the show during the segment, (so don't blink or you miss it). The Seattle segment will show during the 9 o'clock hour EST, so who knows what time it will end up in your area, (in the East coast its either 9 or 10 am depending on your programming).  Since I'll be hanging out in New York Sunday night, does anyone have tickets for the Survivor Finale??

Posted by athomedad at 10:32 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 17 May 2006 1:11 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 28 February 2006
Wanna Trade?
Topic: comix
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Sign of the times - in today's paper. Funny how things come full circle.



Posted by athomedad at 4:31 PM EST
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Tuesday, 17 January 2006
The End of the At-Home Dad Convention
Topic: at-home dad convention
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At-Home Dads Convention Comes to an End -  After a ten year reign, Bob Frank's At-Home Dad Convention has come to an end. It all started 11 years ago with a phone call from Bob pitching the idea and offering Oakton College as a venue.. Using the mailing list of the (hardcopy) At-Home Dad Newsletter we sent out a mailing and got over 80 dads plus  to attend the first convention. It was exciting for Bob to pull off such a stunt. And even though it lost money for the College, the event caught the attention of the national press and gave hope to the at-home dads across the country. Bob, Bruce Drobeck,  and I had talked of ending it last year at the ninth convention and we came close to announcing it.  We hadn't changed a diaper in years, and although we still felt we were doing our daddy duties when the kids come home we were going though very different experiences then the rookie dads we saw at the conventions. We knew it was time to move on, but simply it was hard to let go... so we went on another year..  When Barry Reszel who had done a fabulous job as the program coordinator made his announcement to step down, it was an easy decision for Bob to make. 

I'd like to share the following comments Barry sent out in a e-mail sent out today. 

With sadness I write to tell you the 10th Annual At-Home Dads' Convention this past November was the last-at least in the format and at the location we have come to associate with this event.

Though Brian Chalmers stepped forward to volunteer as lead convention coordinator (and for that, I express sincere gratitude), Dr. Bob Frank and Oakton Community College have decided not to host the event going forward. The summary reason is that it's been a great 10-year run, but Bob is looking to do other things and the college is pursuing new programming strategies. We as a community would be remiss if we didn't thank Bob for his time and dedication and Oakton for its facilities, staff, and financial support. I am a richer man and better at-home dad because of my affiliation with the convention; I'm proud to say I have been to all 10.

Over the years, the convention coordinators have adapted formats, changed styles, and worked to, first, forge and nurture the at-home-dads' community and, second, to enlighten those in attendance with information, exercises, discussions, and stories. Sometimes the sessions/presentations were great; sometimes they weren't, but all-in-all, I'd have to say the gatherings achieved their aims.

To those who have called for the convention to be held at alternative places and times or with a different format, perhaps this is the impetus you need to step to this community's forefront and achieve your vision.
In closing, I simply want to reiterate a thought I shared at this year's convention. I believe the legacies we leave will determine how well we have lived. When I gather with a group of at-home dads, I somehow know I am in the midst of men who believe that, too, and live that belief by dedicating themselves to their greatest legacy-their children. For that, we are all heroes in my book.

Best, Barry Reszel

Posted by athomedad at 1:39 PM EST
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Tuesday, 6 September 2005
The Tenth At-Home Dad Convention Program
Topic: at-home dad convention
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Tenth At-Home Dads Convention - Here's the program and registration for the Tenth At-Home Dad reunion (or as we like to officially call it, the At-Home Dads' Convention). The Keynote will be  Kyle Pruett who got a high approval rating from the dads who saw him last year. We held off on announcing him as he almost couldn't make it.  For those who have already gone you will be sent a postcard soon as a reminder. You may want to show up to this one as there's other possible big news on the convention.

Posted by athomedad at 5:20 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 1 October 2005 1:33 PM EDT
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