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Friday, 7 September 2007
Imagine living the same book topic over and over...

How's this for a new novel idea, man has job, man has baby, man writes book about taking care of baby. or in PR speak   It's the battle-cry of a red-blooded male thrust into a world he always thought was for someone else. Adam Keeble of New York City is the latest guy/dad to take this topic on: His working book title? I Got You Babe


Funny thing, the book title gave me the urge to watch Groundhog Day with the kids last night, it was funny, again.

The last man who tried to relive this same at-home dad book topic failed. I'll let you know next summer when the book is released if it pans out, if not then just watch the movie.

[more at 

- pete

Posted by athomedad at 9:45 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 7 September 2007 2:51 PM EDT
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Thursday, 6 September 2007
What Dana Glazer did on his summer vacation.

Filmmaker Dana Glazer has had quite a summer.  It started off with a stunning 431,868 hits on his youtube video on dads (It was featured by their home page on Father's Day) and gave a nice plug to his upcoming Evolution of Dads documentry.

Since then he has ramped up his work schedule for his movie and sent me his account of his adventures below, expect to see these folks in his movie.

1. Sociologist/auther Scott Coltrane - Visited NYC a couple of weeks ago and and we interviewed him extensively.

2. State Trooper/SAHD Kevin Knussman - who has been a focal point in the media due to how he sued the State Troopers of MD on account that they wouldn't allow him to paternity leave when his wife became very ill and he was forced to be the primary caregiver for their newborn. The case lasted 10 years and garnered national exposure, including a mention in a book by Hillary Clinton as well as a radio address by President Clinton.

3. We also got some footage of the DC Rally on August 18th that revolved around some angry dads who feel that the court system is working against them regarding custodial battles.

4. We also filmed more on-the-street interviews with people in and around NYC asking questions that pertained to perceptions of what a father should be, SAHDs and peoples' relations with their own dads. Some of the findings I mentioned in our blog.

5. We're currently planning a trip to Kansas City, MO to film the SAHD  convention as well as profile the National Center for Fathering.

6. We are also planning on hopefully interviewing Senator Dodd, who is  currently pushing some legislation to expand paternity leave.

7. Below is new video of SAHD Dallas Hayes who pulls no punches on the "Mr Mom Crap"

If he gets half of the heavy-hitters in fatherhood and a-list celebrities he is lining up (I promised not to mention them here) he is on the way to a first class documentry on par with films such as Supersize Me, Spellbound, and Sicko. As usual I will keep you updated.

- Pete

Posted by athomedad at 12:52 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 6 September 2007 1:39 PM EDT
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An Intelligent Media Request
Topic: Media requests
Just got off the phone with London based journalist Miranda Green looking for an at-home dad with a high-career wife where you are pretty much doing all the "work". She is from Intelligent life (An offshoot quarterly from the Economist)  She says the piece will be long and quite in depth, with, I hope, lots of real life examples. I doubt you will be mis-quoted here. (You can talk to her anonymously if you like.)  If you fit the bill shoot her off an e-mail at

Posted by athomedad at 11:17 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 29 August 2007
It's the same only different.



Home Economics High School Text Book, 1954 *



The Adventures of a Supermom, 2007


[*ref. snopes ]

Posted by athomedad at 4:34 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 5 September 2007 8:18 AM EDT
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Monday, 27 August 2007
What do married men get less of but boyfriends and at-home dads get more of?

The short answer is housework and possibly even sex.

The long answer is from a new world-wide study published in the Journal of Family Issues which finds "married men do less housework then cohabitating men."  [live-in boyfriends]   Their "key finding" stated:

Couples with an egalitarian view on gender—seeing men and women as equal—are more likely to divide the household chores equally. However, in married relationships, even if an egalitarian viewpoint is present, men still report doing less housework than their wives.

In reading thoughout George Mason University's 27 page research paper there was nothing on at-home dad's division of labor except for this gem...

[This] leads to the question whether the relative-resources perspective—that places financial contributions in an exchange relationship with household hours—is in itself gendered. 

I didn't understand the last sentence either, luckily they knew we wouldnt either and translated to:

Are men more likely to see money as a way to “buy out” of housework, and women more likely to view money as power within the relationship that is not as directly tied to hours of housework?  

Reading this, I suddenly remembered a free-wheeling discussion on sex and the at-home dad headed by Brian Reid of Rebel Dad during the At-Home Dad Convention a few years back. During the discussion one mom sitting among the dads suddenly jumped up and said, "when my husband cleans up the house, and has that supper ready for her on the table that's all I need... I am ready for sex".  

Judging from the several other dads who nodded in silent agreement that day I think a better topic could be Effects of Union Type on Division of Household Labor and Sex.

Posted by athomedad at 11:42 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 28 August 2007 1:54 PM EDT
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Saturday, 18 August 2007
6 ways this new dad killed his baby daughter
Topic: Media


Parenting Magazine accepted this book excerpt as fit to print in their next (Sept) issue. It's from Not that You Asked by Steve Almond. If the title below was say, 6 ways this new mom killed her baby daughter, would they have still approved it?  Is it me?  Or is this really a cute dad piece?  I've already handed this off to the  proper authorities.

                  -- and --

    (and so on with Death 5 and 6)

Posted by athomedad at 7:18 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 18 August 2007 11:21 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 19 June 2007
Take my wife's calls please! (or if Paris Hilton had kids)

Gotta love this: Here's the Miss Manners column syndicated in today's papers.  

Seems that this at home dad is tired of having his wife call him at work

 "Calls intrude on Mr. Mom's job"

I am a stay-at-home dad, and my wife calls often during the day. I love her dearly, and don't mind hearing that she loves me, but I hear about her day and problems. And while I am busy with our 3-year-old, holding the phone on my shoulder, I hear her typing something on her end.

I really feel insulted and upset. Is it poor manners to keep someone on the phone while you keep working?

I finally had to hang up on her yesterday when she called and kept me on the phone while I was trying to play baseball with our son in the yard, and she wasn't constantly talking, just coming up with spurts of what came to her as she Googled something.

She does ask about my day, but sometimes it seems an excuse, especially since she knows my schedule and calls at least twice a day.

 She wants to talk. It is just not easy to talk and care for a child, or play with him. She knows this intellectually. What can I do?

Miss Manners: Gentle Reader: What a nice reversal this is of "Honey, don't call me at the office."

Well, maybe not so nice, now that Miss Manners thinks about it. It sticks you with that insulting assumption that domestic work, including child rearing, is so unimportant as to be easily interrupted. And your wife clearly needs a more challenging job.

Ask her to e-mail you instead. And during the transition period, apologize that you didn't answer the telephone because you left it indoors when you were out playing baseball, can't hear it when you're running

his bath water, or whatever.  (You can  E-mail Miss Manners at all your at-home dad issues)

Posted by athomedad at 8:42 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 9 August 2007 5:09 PM EDT
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Friday, 15 June 2007
A Book for Confused Moms.

Hogan Hilling, following up his past book "The Man Who Would be Dad" is now offering us "The Modern Moms Guide to Dads". During his "proud dads" program in California the moms were "confused by their husbands' behavior"   With this book due out in September he clears up the mysteries with "Ten Secrets Your Husband Won't Tell You". 

For those who haven't seem Hogan "perform" here's a profile on him from a 2000 At-Home Dad newsletter. Ill post a review when I can get a hold of a copy.   preorder




Posted by athomedad at 3:08 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 19 March 2008 12:52 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 13 June 2007
Dad's playgroup gone wild! June 30th! Be there!

What started out as a small burgers and beer get together for a local Northern Illinois dad  turned has into a 5 state hoopla.  It seems that  Todd Krater's (the man behind the  amanamongmommies blog)  original plans spiraled out of control when he discussed his house party idea with his friends. One dad suggested he call it "Dadstock", another photoshopped the poster at left and suddenly he's got dads from 5 surrounding states (as far away as Massachusetts) promising to show up.  So if you are looking for  "a couple hours of piece and quiet" drop by Todds house on  June 30th, 2007. So far  no word if Neil Young will be showing up yet. details




Posted by athomedad at 1:39 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 5 July 2007 9:27 AM EDT
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Monday, 11 June 2007
Evolution of Dad Update: 150 dads get one minute of fame
Topic: movies

Last week I had a chance to meet Filmmaker Dana Glazer as he dropped by my house while    working on his documentary The Evolution of Dad which he hopes to have out by 2009.  Gathering some clips and research for the movie he decided to work the streets of New York City and snagged 100 or so willing folks who agreed to give one minute of airtime to show their love or vent on dad. In this newly released clip (above) he starts off with those who show gratitude to their dads.  

But Dana is taking a closer listen at remarks like this women said about her dad, "When you are ready to not pay so much attention to your self so much... give us a call and ...when ever you're ready we are here." (See 5 min 30 sec left in  the clip).  Of course there is a deeper story here that I wanted to know... what did her dad do (or didn't do) when she was a kid?  As Dana filmed and listened he was surprised how many others like her, wanted that reconnection. He has already changed the focus of his movie early in the game to dig deeper into their stories. It will be interesting to see the different directions the movie will go as he keeps listing to America's kids. I'll keep you updated as the film clips pile up. 

On the light side, If you don't want to watch the whole nine minutes at least check out girl sitting at the reflecting pool at 8:10...

Posted by athomedad at 10:33 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 12 June 2007 1:53 PM EDT
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