The Rules and the Sign-Up Address

The Rules are simple.

It has to be slash. It can be crossover, Streetslash, Syncslash, GSF, or any combination thereof; but no Putatively-Original Marty-Stu Characters, please. Schmoop or smut, character study or PWP, that’s up to you.

Chapters or sections of series and WIPs are more than welcome. Hell, anything from drabble to epic is fine by me. Similarly, even stories that are already posted, so long as they have not been previously anthologized, as it were, in another challenge, will be gladly and gratefully accepted. Face it, I’m easy. (Don’t say it.)

All I ask is that,

one, you get your submission in close to on time if you can: I am not going to be a hard-ass about this at all, though. Please note that submissions for ALL challenges remain welcome through the end of September, 2003, including in situations where chapters continue to come in as they are finished;

two, that when you submit it, you email me both the URL of the story (the specific LiveJournal item is fine, if you are posting to LJ rather than a site) and the link to your site (main page) or LJ (ditto), so you can inspire your new fans to see all your other work;

three, that your submission email tell me, too clearly for even my bumbling ass to misunderstand, which challenge the link is for, and by what nom de plume you prefer to be listed.

Regrettably, I cannot host any of the stories; they will need to be on a website or LJ (or equivalent), and what I will post are the links (and brisket).

Please do join us. It should be fun. All you have to do is drop a line to:


Hope to have you with us.

The Main Challenges Page

Where the Swords Cross

Lemme Outta Here! I Don’t Wanna Play After All!

Run, Forrest, Run!