Challenges, Trials, and Tribulations

Yes, indeedy, folks. It’s challenge time. We’ve got four-count-’em-four challenges for you to play in, or just to wait for with Breathless Anticipation (patent pending). What challenges are those, you ask? Step right up….

Rum, Sodomy, and the Lash

Red Sails in the Sunset: Does the idea of Nicky at the helm do it for you? Are you obsessed by visions of Fatone as Columbus? Think Patrick O’Brien missed his calling as a Basez slasher? Have an insatiable need to see Chris and Howie manning the rigging of a tall ship? Or do you dream of the Dread Pirate Brian? Well, have we got a deal for you. Streetslash, ’N-Slash, and Crossover types are wanted (and if not volunteering, my hearties, will be press-ganged) for a challenge in which the lads set sail, be it AU or SDB-verse: anything goes, from schmoop to smut, so long as it’s SDB slash about one or more members of either group. Page goes live on: 15 MAY. (But submissions remain welcome through the end of SEP 2003.)

That’s Why the Dance Boy Is a Tramp

One More For My Baby: Have a hidden desire to see the SDBs as the Rat Pack? Eager to stretch your songficcery beyond BSB, ’N Sync, or pop/rock tunes? Well, Luck’s Been a Lady Tonight, my friends: this is your chance to join the Sinatra Songfic Challenge. Any sort of SDB-slash, any ’verse, any subgenre: all that’s needed is that the story be inspired or informed by any song ever sung by the late Francis Albert Sinatra, the Chairman of the Board. Once again, anything goes, from schmoop to smut, so long as it’s SDB slash about one or more members of either group. Page goes live on: 15 JUN. (But submissions remain welcome through the end of SEP 2003.)

Play On!

The Food of Love: If music be the food of love, what’s wrong with mixing all three? Always wanted to write something that involved Chris doing the Muppet Swedish Chef routine? Still mesmerized by the kitchen scenes in Arsenic’s Ode? Have a long-suppressed kink for Slave!Justin or RentBoi!AJ serving as the platter for a smorgasboard, nothing between your SDB and the cold cuts but a layer of plastic wrap? Want the SDBs to join the CIA – the Culinary Institute of America, that is? Get off on Kevin in a toque, as a divafied celebrity chef? Perhaps you see Justin as the new Jamie Oliver? Well, start cookin’ with gas, folks. All types and subgenres of SDB-slash welcome, so long as there’s a strong foodie element. As before, anything goes, from schmoop to smut, so long as it’s SDB slash about one or more members of either group. Page goes live on: 15 JUL. (But submissions remain welcome through the end of SEP 2003.)

And finally….

The Praise of Folly Can Be a Utopian Endeavour….

Hidden Talents: The Smart Boys in Glasses Challenge: This one’s all AU, folks, though you can certainly use the pop scene as deep cover. Are you a ‘Hackery’ fan? Does the idea of Professor Kirkpatrick weaken your knees? Do you think it’s high time the cerebral thriller got hip (‘Bass. James Bass’) and Academe got down? Step right up; don’t be shy. This is your chance to cast the SDBs as Secret Agent Men, Oxford dons with ties to MI6, the Mission Impossible Team, whatever you like: all you need do is write SBD slash in which they are super-smart intelligence officers or high-powered academics (or the familiar Anthony Price / John LeCarre combination of the two). Within those limits, yet again the usual rules apply: anything goes, from schmoop to smut, so long as it’s SDB slash about one or more members of either group. Page goes live on: 15 AUG. (But submissions remain welcome through the end of SEP 2003.).

No, Seriously. Take Up the Challenge Gauntlet and Read.

Sail Away to the Red Sails In the Sunset Challenge
Get A Kick Out of One More For My Baby: The Original Sinatra Songfic Challenge
Cater to Your Hunger: The Food of Love Challenge
Get Wise to the Smart Boys With Glasses Challenge

Duck Out to a Less Challenging Existence

Home, James.

Name Your Weapons: Sign Up for the Challenges

The Rules and the Sign-Up Address