"I do desire we may be better strangers."

Another trip to the airport for Joey Fatone, but this time it was to welcome Lance permanently to the city of Orlando. Joey had a really good feeling about this kid, and he wasn't going to let anything, not even JC's fatalistic views on life, get in the way of liking Lance. Seeing the Mississippian and his father step through the jetway, Joey eagerly bounded up to them and welcomed them again.

"Nice to see you again, Mr. Bass, Lance." Joey offered, shaking both their hands warmly.

"Joey, please, call me Jim." The older Bass said as they made their way downstairs to the baggage claim area. "Diane sends her love, but she couldn't make it down this time, what with school and all. But we'll be coming down again in about a month or so, just to see how Lance is settling in."

"That would be great, Mr. Bass, er, I mean Jim." Joey replied, keeping up his end of the small talk conversation. He was slightly astonished that Lance collected only one piece of luggage in addition to his carry-on.

"I've learned to travel light." Lance said easily in his southern drawl, answering Joey's unasked question. The three men made their way to Joey's car, and then it was off through the streets of Orlando toward the Harless house once again. It had been decided that Lance would be staying with the Harlesses for now. Jim and Diane both felt comfortable with Lynn and Paul, knowing that they were leaving their son in good hands. And with Justin, JC, and Chris already under the same roof, it made things all the more easier for the group. As Joey maneuvered expertly through Orlando's streets, he kept up a friendly but polite conversation with Jim Bass. It wasn't until Joey pulled into the Harless driveway that he realized that Lance had not said more than ten words during the entire trip.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"Great, just great!" JC mumbled to himself as he soaked in the "new" living arrangements at the Harless house. He didn't understand why Lance couldn’t stay with Joey at his place, why he was stuck with the country hick as his new roommate. It was either that or having to endure Justin's incessant romance with Britney during the day and his "wake up the dead" snoring at night. So JC took his chances, and now Chris was stuck with baby Justin, and he was stuck with this mama's boy. JC just hoped that the kid didn't snore too loudly, if at all.

"So, you all settled in? Anything you want to move?" JC asked tentatively. It had been just 48 hours since Lance arrived, but he was already getting annoyed. After having gotten Lance settled in with the new surroundings and making sure that Lance was properly enrolled in the tutoring program that was also helping Justin get his high school diploma, Jim Bass had left earlier in the day to go back to Clinton. He and Lance had shaken hands as they said their goodbyes. Actually shaken hands, not hugged or anything, but just a handshake. For the life of him, JC just couldn’t imagine that kind of formality existing in his own family. Yes, he was adopted and all, but it was evident that he was much closer to his parents than Lance was to his own folks.

"Nope, everything's fine." Lance replied in that irritatingly drawling southern voice, pulling out the 'i' in fine as if it were to stretch from the house to the Gulf Coast. JC watched silently as Lance unpacked most of his things and put them into the closet and two bottom drawers of the dresser. Everything was perfectly placed, neatly aligned. Great, an anally retentive freak. JC could feel a migraine coming on just watching Lance move about, pulling two picture frames out of his suitcase.

"Mind if I have a look?" JC asked as he saw Lance put the pictures up on his nightstand.

"Nope. This is my family. You've already met mama and daddy. And this here is Stacy, my older sister." Wow! He does know how to form complete sentences more than three words long! JC thought as Lance showed him the picture.

"And this pretty little thing?" JC inquired in his best imitation of a southern voice, pointing at the second, smaller picture.

"That's my friend Jessie." Lance said softly, with a discernible tinge of sadness in his voice.

"Girlfriend?" JC prodded.

"No, my best friend." Came the curt reply.

"Boy! You don't say much, do you?" JC finally asked, exasperated with the one-sided conversation that he was having with his new roomie. This kid may be able to sing, but he sure as hell can't carry a conversation worth a bucket of warm spit as far as JC was concerned.

"Ain't got much to say." Lance replied again, oblivious to the frustration emanating from the other side of the room.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"You what?!?" Justin shouted, disbelief on his face. The five were in the front driveway of the Harless house, about to start a basketball game.

"I told y'all, I don't know how to play basketball. Never have." Lance answered matter-of-factly, not quite understanding the distress exhibited by the younger boy.

"How can anyone survive without basketball?" Justin asked again.

"Is this a trick question?" Lance replied in the form of a question.

"So exactly what did you do back in Clinton for fun?" Justin continued, not willing to concede the point that there are other sports besides basketball.

"Did you play any football?" JC ventured, knowing that he was going to regret getting in the middle of this argument.

"No, no football either. I was a pretty good pitcher though. Lettered as a freshman on the varsity team." Lance replied again, his calm voice quite a contrast to the apoplectic seizure that Justin was having.

"Was?" Joey asked, noting the past tense that Lance had used.

"Yup, I quit after my freshman year. Couldn't find the time to do both baseball and the Mississippi Showstoppers chorus."

"So you chose singing over baseball?" Chris asked.

"Yup, I liked singing better." Lance answered, as if his answer was so logical and apparent that the four in front of him were idiots for not figuring it out sooner. "But if y'all teach me how to play basketball, I'm sure I can pick it up. It's just gettin' this ball through that basket, right?"

"Yeah, country boy, something like that." JC said as he grabbed the ball from Justin and started shooting at the basket. None of them noticed the wide grin that Joey had on his face as he observed Lance.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"Lance? Honey? What are you doing up at this time of night?" Lynn Harless asked the figure sitting on the back patio, staring up at the heavens.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Harless, I just couldn't sleep." Lance replied in a voice both soft and troubled at the same time.

"Now Lance, how many times have I told you to call me Lynn?" She said, handing him a glass of milk. He's been crying again. "And there's nothing to be sorry about. I couldn't sleep either. If there's anything you need, Paul and I are here for you, okay?"