The Undiscovered Country (Jackie's Story): Table of Contents

This is the Table of (Sheer) Content(edness) for Doc Jackie's story, The Undiscovered Country, a true classic of Basez love that she insisted I write the sequel to (Woods and Pastures New, which - it will surprise no one to hear - is only part done after all this time).

The good doctor, as the epigraphs for each chapter will show, took the Bard as her inspiration (Woods and Pastures New, obviously, similarly misuses John Milton). I would also note that in this and in my sequel, the authors's respective professional slips are showing: her light angst is medical, mine, half legal thriller, half mystery.

Her story is touching, sly, witty, sweet, and altogether splendid, and I'm honored to host it and still more honored to have been, um, burdened with the sequel.

All feedback on this superb work should go to Jackie her own self.

Jackie's The Undiscovered Country

>Chapter 1
>Chapter 2
>Chapter 3
>Chapter 4
>Chapter 5
>Chapter 6
>Chapter 7
>Chapter 8
>Chapter 9
>Chapter 10
>Chapter 11
>Chapter 12
>Chapter 13
>Chapter 14
>Chapter 15

My Sequel, Woods and Pastures New (Yes, In Progress. You Expected Otherwise?)

>>Chapter I
>>Chapter II
>>Chapter III
>>Chapter IV
>>Chapter V
>>Chapter VI