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"Immortal Beloved..." XXI...

A shortie...


Disclaimer: No, Joss, no...I make no claims, put that thing down! It's all yours and ME's

Spoilers for Angel to this week...Flee at once!...

Summary: Hey, I was asked to do another...(And of course these are not parts of a story but different retellings during and after the Rome rendezvous of 'Girl In Question'..."


Play main theme

LA...Wolfram-Hart tower...Angel's office...

"So...The capo's here?...Been here all this time?...Courtesy the Immortal..." Spike sighs, rereading the Immortal's card... 'Gentlemen...with my compliments...Regards, the Immortal...' he reads as Angel grabs the bag...Looking inside...

Holy!...He blinks...Ummn...Will?... "What?..." William stares at him...

"Do you remember the capo having blonde hair...?"


Rome...Early morning, hours earlier...

Andrew regards Dawn, now transfixed in permanent shriek...And the huddled bundle left on their doorstep...With card...

"Regardsless...The Immortal..."

"Well..." he sighs... "I did tell Spike and Angel he had his flaws..."


LA...Wolfram-Hart conference room...Later the next day...

Angel faces the angry leaders of the potentially warring factions, William by his side, other surviving members of his team temporarily secure in the basement bunker...

"So!..." one leader glares... "You have failed to bring us the capo, eh?!..."

Well...Yes...Angel nods...All the leaders rise...

"However..." he pushes the bag forward on the table... "Courtesy of the Immortal, we offer this instead...A honored trophy to be passed from clan to clan for whatever period yourselves determine..."

Whoa...The first leader opens the bag...And with a smile, passes it round...

"This is even better than the capo we expected...I rule for peace..."

Angel...William hisses...We can't do this...

"Did her people even call us to let us know?...And Buffy would be happy to end one more potential disaster..."

"Yeah, but...I was gonna..."

"I don't wanna hear..."

No...You bloody perv, I wasn't gonna keep it!...he whacks Angel, as the demon leaders continue to happily pass their prize around... "I was gonna hold a memorial service..."

"She hold a service for you?..."

Well...Will reflects...


I'm sure you'd like to go back now, right?