"Immortal Beloved..." LI...
A shortie...
Disclaimer: No, Joss, no...I make no claims, put that thing down!
It's all yours and ME's...
Spoilers for Angel to the bitter end...Flee at once!...
Summary: Various outcomes following "Girl In Question" and /or "Not Fade Away" on Angel...Ok, just had to do one more...but I absolutely, positively...On my mother's soul...
Rome, the plaza in front of Buffy and Dawn's apartment...1 am...
11 hours after the defeat of the Senior Partners in LA...
"Yous star'..." "Yous..."
"No, yous...Youda poet, yous star'..." "Nah...don' wanna..."
"Les' match fa' it...One, three...Hah...Oops..." Sound of a bottle smashing on the ground...
"Hey!...Ya broke da champagne!...Ya lummox!..." "Don' wor'...Des pleny mor'..."
"None fer Dawnie..." A sudden, stern look... "Course not..." A firm if bleary nod...
"But you lost sos yous go furst..."
Ok...A sigh...
"Well?..." "Wa a mo...Gotta get the muzic an da..." Pulls out a shelf of papers...
Music from a portable cd begins...
"I'm Unman, hear ma ro'r
In numbers ta big ta bore
An' I knows ta much to go back an' preten'
'cause I've heard it all bafore..."
(Ya bet I 've...)
An' I been down der on da floor
No on's ever gonna kep ma down
CHORUS ...Two drunken voices join...
"Oh yes We's wis...
But it's wisom borna pain (ya said it!)
Yeah, we paid the price... (an' how! )
But looka much we gained
If we have to, we can do anyathin'...(includin' whippin the asses oda Partnas!...)
We's strong (strong...ah, por' Wes. A sigh)
We's invisible (invinsable, ya moron!)
We's Unman! "
A light goes on in the apartment above...
"Ya ca bend but nefr brak us (No Way!)
'cause it ona serves to mak us ("Dat wha it says, Will?"... "Yeah, lookee...")
Mor' detamined to 'chieve our final goal
("Dat Buf?... Cause I don' know, I gotta girl...Don' wanna hurt Nina..." "Nah, ya dope...Buf's ma goal...Yous wans the huma thin'..."
"Yeah?...Though you wan' dat?"
"O'ly if Buf wan' ma to...Else ya can haf it..."
"Cana..." A sigh... "I done signed off..."
"Don' be a dope, ya lummox...Theys ded...And a deal wid eva demmens don' count no ways..."
"Hey, I sea lite...betta kep singin'...")
"An' wes come back... ev'n stronga...
Noa novius an' longa
'cause ya deepened da convicta in our souls...
Wes Homan-Souled Unman... watch us grow!
See us standin' toe to toe (Watcha feet, ya big ape!)
As we spread our lovin', word-savin' arms across da land
But wes still embryo
Wid a long, long...way ta go
Until we make my homan bros (and Slaya girls!) undastan'
LOUDER...(More lights come on, shouts in Italian for the gendarmes...Threats of violence...)
"Oh ya wes wise!
But it's wisda borna pain! (an' how!...)
Ya, we paid da price (God, ya!...)
But look how much we gained ("Wha da the hell did we gain, Angel?..." )
If we haf ta we can face anyathin'
Wes strong (strong)
Wes invinsoble (invincible)
Wes Un......Man!!
(Holy!...Dawn stared out from their balcony at the sight...
"Jesus Christ!..." Buffy stared...
"Na, ona Christ Junior and his padna!..." Will called up...
Hi, Buf...he added, waving gently...Brod ya some champy...He raised a bottle...
"You throw that brick and you die!!..." Buffy shouted in a startlingly loud voice to a fellow tenant taking aim from an opposing balcony... "William, stay there...Don't you move!!..."
"Whers I goin?..." he turned to Angel who shrugged...)
WES INVISABLE (Invinsuble, dammit!)
WES... (Not feelin' sa well...Angel noted...Staggering a bit...)
Three hours later, after a fuming Dawn had been ordered back to bed by a Buffy who'd led the boys off to try and get something lucid out of them...
Pebbles at the apartment window...
CHORUS, three now...
BUT LOOKIE WHA' WES/I (Buffy's "I" overwhelming her comrades "WES")
(A rock follows the pebbles, smashing the...Wrong...Apartment window...Shouts for the gendarmes, threats of immediate violence...Dawn emerges at the balcony... "Goddamnit you jerks!...Buffy?!!")
WES HOUMAN-SOULED ("ASSHOL', JER', LUVA MY LIF' THA GOD HES LIVE WHO TAK'S HIS TIME 'BOUT SHOWIN' UP!!!..." "Ow, Buf!..." "Ya deserve a gud whack, jer'...Oh, ya ok, ma hon'?...Oh, Wullam..." brief sob...) UNMAN AN' SLAYA WUMAN!!!!!"
("Dawnie, cum on down an' says hi ta ya bro-in-la!..." Sirens in background...)