Immortal Beloved..." LXII...
A shortie...
Disclaimer: No, Joss, no...I make no claims, put that thing down!
It's all yours and ME's...
Spoilers for Angel to the bitter end...Flee at once!...
Summary: Various outcomes following "Girl In Question" and /or "Not Fade Away" on Angel...
Ok, I lied about stopping at 50...But me poor ole mum would just say, "so long as I like it, it's ok..."
Like I said earlier, these things are like Lays or candy...
(I did mention in the LXII thread I'd just seen that new adaptation of Ulysses, "Bloom")
Rome...Buffy and Dawn's apartment...Night...
Yes...He's been doin' it somewhere...Even with the soul he couldn'ta been doin' without it for so long...Yes...It's gotta be Harmony...He's had her before...Yes...And one good thing about him's always been that he sticks with one girl...Yes...If only he'd believed me and come straight to Rome...Yes...Gee that would've been so...Yes...But what a prick he is, 'His Benevolence'...This evening...Hell, every evening...Prancing in at any hour now, expecting I'll be available...I have my work, God...Will always respected that, even as Spike...Yes...I knew it would never be the same when he didn't come after Willow said his soul was somewhere about here...But I won't think about that, no...His problem if he's such a fool and a coward...Yes...Well, then...Suppose I took on His B... 'Her Benevolence'...Nice...Yes...But geesh, so proud over a few boy scout tricks to please the Powers That Be and win a few points towards Heaven...Did he ever die for love?...Please...And all those idiots fawning over him who's done practically nothing...God...I miss him...Yes...But if he won't come, damn him...Yes...In Rome, in this very place, and no guts to try his luck...Is that the way to impress a girl?...But he did have the good manners to leave it to me...Yes...I wish it had been me there...In LA...Willow summoning him and the look on his face when he saw me standing there, smiling on him...Oh, that would've been...Yes...Lord, I never thought I could feel that way I did when His B was in me the other night...Not again anyway...But, life goes on they say...And they're right...Yes...But I miss him...Yes...Angel, funny...I only did it the one time with him and can't even say if it really was him or the other...I mean, did the demon pop in just as he came in me or what?...Was Buffy's first Angel or Angelus?...Wish I could ask Giles...Yes...Dawn's angry at me...Doesn't say a word but she mourns him...Wants me to go on mourning too...Hmmn...Black's ok once in a while, but geesh...Well, she might've treated him better when he was around and had just gotten the soul...That's the time to treat him well, not when he's off God knows to what place...She was cool enough to him when a little word might've helped...Now she's his High Priestess...Well, she did love him too, I know...Me, after all...Yes...God, they didn't?...When I was gone?...She said they were alone together a lot?...Nah...Not even Spike...He had the chip after all...Yes...Wonder what she'll do when I tell her, go off to LA on the first plane just to show me up?...Yes...Europe's such a pretty place, though...All the history and buildings...And the guys...And the stores...God, those were some shops in London when we attended Giles' inauguration as Chairman...Yeah, I'm glad we came here...Always nice to have a change...And get away from Hellmouths and the whole thing...As much as one can...Yes...Lookee at that pretty blonde face in that mirror, girl...Hey there, Summers...Lookin' good...Gained a pound or two and lost some of that haggard look...Yes...I did mourn...I wanted to die...Be with him...Yes...But if he can come back and not believe...Bastard...Well...No need to think on that...Yes...I wonder if Connor would like Dawn...That'll be cute...And a little kinky...Hmmn...I wonder if he's hot...Not that I'd pull another RJ sans jacket on her...Still...Kinda nice to have a cute young guy round, makin' eyes at my sis and seein if maybe...Just for fun...I can get him to take a peek or two my way...Yes...Gotta get to sleep, supposed to meet with Giles tomorrow...Bout?...What?...Damn...Ohhh...LA...That's it...The Blackthorns...Angel's joinin' them or killin' them or somethin'...Killin', yeah that's it...Yes...Nice to know he's still with us after all...Oh, right, the Partners are gonna blast their way outta Hell when he ....Yes...Whoa...Hmmn... Nice the way my hair's bunched up there...Like the way it did when he kissed me after the first time...The first time it really meant something...In the heart...And he put his hands through it...Wanted to feel the sunshine on his fingers, he said...A poet for sure...Oh...Yes...You are my sunshine, he said...Yes...Well...Yes...It would be nice to bring him into the sunlight, if Willow could give me that spell she was workin' on...I could call her in Rio...Yes...Neat...See me rushin' in at the nicka time...Fifty Slayers chargin'...Yes...Put his hands through my hair...All William, no Spike...I felt it, I felt him...Felt Cicely rushing up from her grave to embrace him...You are my sunshine...My love...Yes..