Immortal Beloved..." LXIV...
A shortie...
Disclaimer: No, Joss, no...I make no claims, put that thing down! It's all yours and ME's...
Spoilers for Angel to the bitter end...Flee at once!...
Summary: Various outcomes following "Girl In Question" and /or "Not Fade Away" on Angel...
Ok, I lied about stopping at 50...But me poor ole mum would just say, "so long as I like it, it's ok..."
Rome...September 2003...
"Wil..." Buffy sighed to Willow as the wiccan rose to make her final farewells... "Thanks..."
"I want to find out about him, too, Buf...Hey, I was nearly his lil' girl a few years back..." she grinned...
"Don't take any risks...Just...Well..."
"Moi?...When my honey's with me?...No way...Sides, I hafta to learn more about this goddess thing...Schmooze with my fellow gods and all that...."
Yeah...Buffy nodded...
"But if his spirit's free, I will find it..." Willow nodded firmly... Then another grin... "Any messages for the blonde and doubly dead one?..."
"I love him...And I'm so mad at him..." Buffy replied hastily, wiping a tear, pursuing trembling lips... "Sometimes I could just resurrect him and kill him again for not believing in me..."
But mainly, I love him...she finished... Yeah...Willow patted her... "Well, gotta pick up my honey and hit the astral plane..." she vanished with a wave...
And as suddenly, reappeared...Hey...a wave...
"Thought I'd forgot something...Nope...So, tell him you love him but you're furious with him, right?..."
Yeah...Buffy sighed... "And sometimes you wish you could...Drag him back and make him feel what you felt when he died?..."
Absolutely...Buffy nodded... "Great..." 'Willow' grinned... "Bye..." she vanished...
"Wish granted..." D'Hoffryn quietly smiled from the corner to which he'd just teleported sans Willow suit...