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"Immortal Beloved..." XCI ...

A shortie...


Disclaimer: No, Joss, no...I make no claims, put that thing down!

It's all yours and ME's...

Spoilers for Angel to the bitter end...Flee at once!...

Summary: Various outcomes following "Girl In Question" and /or "Not Fade Away" on Angel...

Ok, I lied about stopping at 50...But me poor ole mum would just say, "so long as I like it, it's ok..."

Archived at the 'Normal' Buffyverse page of the Buffy Rebecca verse, (scroll on down to the IB series)...



"Look, Slayer...Buffy..." William spoke into the phone Harmony had handed him a moment before... "I understand about the Immortal...About everything...It's fine...But I really don't think..."

Buffy...I'm sorry...But as I keep telling you...Every time you call...he sighed... "I've come to agree with you...We're not meant..."

Well, ok...Agree with the old you...Yes, before the cookies came out...

"I wish she'd stick them back in a little longer..." he hissed to Harmony, hand on phone, listening to Buffy continue...

"Buffy, I appreciate that you...Yes, I believe you...You loved me at the crater, that's wonderful, sweet...But as to our getting together again...Really, I think it would..."

No, no...I'm not seeing anyone...No, I'm not even shagging Harmony...She's human-souled again, Buf...

Not that that would stop me...Harm sighed, watching him speak...

"I just feel there'd be too many obstacles...And come on, love...This only started with you after the Immortal dumped...Right, after you decided he wasn't my redemption-seeking stand-in...Fine..."

Buffy...Ms. Summers...

"I really think I would rather not see you, thanks...I don't see a future with you...I don't see you at all in my life, Buffy..."

No....he frowned at the phone... "I don't think you're beneath me...Where'd you get that?..."

But you were the one who never made an effort to help me when I was Spike...Never worried your pretty head all that time we were lovers...

"Well, you may have been severely depressed, love...But I'd say my condition merited a little attention...If you'd cared for me..."

I won't even get into mentioning how you never went beyond restoring Angel's curse for that 'love of your life'...he thought...Even with Willow the super-wiccan by your side...

"Hell, a kindly staking as an act of love would've been welcome...And I have been back for some time, as you knew...But I don't want go on down this path...I don't blame you, girl...I just don't want to walk this road again..."

Yes, yes...I believe you...And I'm sorry...

"Yes...I'm sure you'll always love me...I'll always love you too, in my way...Goodbye, love...Yes, yes...Now, goodbye..."

Phew...he put down the phone...Which rang again immediately...

"No, I don't want to come and see Dawn, my old babysitting charge...Enough, Buf...Goodbye, good luck...Bye..."

Jesus...he sighed, looking at Harmony... "Ever since His Benevolence took a hike I've been the unrelenting focus...Why can't she just meet some nice, sexy Italian vamp there and relieve the tension...Or find her own true..."

They eyed each other...Her own true...Buffy?...Right, uh-huh...Grinning a bit...

Well, she's sure to find somebody new soon...he noted...


"So..." Harmony looked a bit downcast... "You don't love Buffy anymore..."

Not at all...Will shook his head... "A Buffy Summers is the love of my existence...The Buffy I told you about...From in my dreams while I was alone in the Sunnydale High sub-basement...Visions I had when I was a ghost...And even recently..."

Hmmn...But...Harmony eyed him... "Those are just fantasies, Will..."

No, no...he waved a hand... "They're projections, from other existences, granted to me via my link to the Eternal..."

I had it confirmed by our research staff...They detected quantum teleportational shifts during one of my visions...he noted...

"There is a Buffy out there for me...The one I've dreamed of does exist...One part our Buffy, one part Winifred Burkle...Strength, unbeatable courage, charming wit, infinite compassion, utter devotion, and endless, selfless love in one blonde package..."

The woman of every dream of love I've ever had...he smiled...

"Of course...According to my more concrete visions recently, she's actually a human-souled robot copy of another dimension's Buffy...But she is a Buffy all the same..."

And one day, perhaps here on Earth...Perhaps in Heaven when all the Williams across the infinite multidimensional universe are united...I'll meet her...

A violent crash over near the front entrance...Several security guards tossed back...Harmony rolled her eyes and pulled up her phone, dialing... "911?...We got an intruder again here at Angel, Burkle-Wyndham-Price, Gunn, and Walthrop..."

Yeah, female, twenty-ish...Same as usual...

"William!..." Buffy called as she entered... "I'm here!..."

Whatever evil force has caused you to claim you don't wanna be with me is gonna get its ass kicked right now...she beamed at him...

"Buffy..." he sighed...
