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Untitled Space Movie




Sometimes the dork within is just too strong, and he can't be silenced until you write something that staves off off his burning, dorkish hunger.  The meal, at long last has been completed and is in the process of refinement.  This is the first course. 





                            "It is the last days of the Anowan Empire."





A sea of stars against a blue black midnight sky serves as the backdrop for the opening card.

The sound of a steady wind is heard howling in the background.


          "The power of the Conner King grows dim

            and cold in an Era of faltering allegiances.

            Ancient oaths of faith and loyalty are crumbling

            as new alliances form in their place.

            Nathan Conner, the reigning Conner King, has

            declared the full restoration of independent trade

            to the Brasalian people – the last great threat to the

            empire faced during the long and bitter Unity Wars.

            Perceived by many as a display of the King’s

            growing weakness, news of the declaration has traveled

            quickly through the realm unleashing a plague of violent

            uprisings among the frontier colonies."


A towering silo comes into view from below. It looks all the more enormous circled by four smaller silos that it feeds by an elaborate metal framework that connects the structures. Framing the cluster of barns and farming structures is a vast field of tall fala wheat plants. They look like a heaving ocean in the throws of the heavy wind. The plants stretch into the distance towards a craggy, gray mountain range.





Beneath the surface of the dancing grain plants a shadowy figure creeps through the stalks of the plants. He is quickly followed by more people all of them stalking through the field as quietly as possible. The muscles under their taut gray skin ripple as they creep forward.

From above they become visible making their way through the grains in three columns that look like sinister fingers reaching towards the sleeping settlement.



Two people are seen in the distance darting through the shadows of the farming buildings. One is a full head taller and runs ahead of the smaller figure. They reach a storage barn and quickly dart inside.



Once inside with the door safely bolted Renn Kallot grabs Lucia Portage by the arm and pulls her to him. She comes willingly. They struggle to catch their breath as Lucia smiles broadly with her eyes shut and her head resting against Renn’s chest. He reaches down and wraps his arms tightly around her waist faking an attempt to lift her from the ground.


                    Have you been eating more?

It is an old joke for the two that she takes with good nature as he lifts her from the ground and begins to carry her across the room.


                    Maybe you’re just getting weaker.

They collapse onto a pile of livestock blankets thrown in the corner.


                    Maybe you’re right.

Their faces move closer together. Lucia pulls away suddenly overcome with the fear of getting caught


                    We shouldn’t do this.


                    Stop worrying. Nobody knows we’re here


                    My father’s going to look for me.

                    If he finds me with you . . .


                    Your father doesn’t worry me


                    He would if you knew what was good for you.

                    He pulls her back into him


                    Well, I’m not here with him.

                    I’m here with you. Just you.

He kisses her quickly before she can pull away. She quickly gives herself to the kiss as they roll back onto the blankets. He kisses her neck as she smiles and bites her lip. A sprinkling of dirt falls from above across her eyes and hair.


                    Stop. Renn, stop. What was that?



                    It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.


                    No. Stop.

She’s able to push Renn away, who rolls backward and props himself on his elbows.


                    Lucia, nobody comes in here after dark.

                    You don’t need to worry about anyone walking in on us.

                    We locked the door. If somebody did try to come in we’d

                    have enough time to hide.


                    If somebody did try to come in you’d never hear it.


                    It’s okay if your nervous, it’s. . .


                    Quiet! I think I heard something moving in the loft.

She barks the words at him in a harsh whisper.


                    I just told you that I locked the door


                    Keep your voice down.

A soft rustling sound causes the youths to snap their heads upward. As they look to the loft a massive, agile figure plummets to the ground in front of them. Lucia’s eyes are fixed in horror and fascination on the Kashabi warrior as he gracefully rises from his crouch, his stoic gaze locked on Renn and Lucia.

Lucia looks past the warrior to the door behind him. She is as equally awestruck by the man standing in front of her as she is terrified by the danger he presents.His eyes are cold and filled with purpose. He is massive in both size and presence. His muscles roll like steel cables beneath his taut gray skin as he silently reaches for the long, sinister blade strapped to his forearm.

Renn launches himself from the pile of blankets, diving headlong at the Kashabi’s waist.

The warrior sidesteps the young man and brings a thundering fist down on the back of his neck, instantly knocking him to the ground.

Lucia looks at Renn’s body as it lay in a twisted heap at the warrior’s feet. Her fascination with the exotic looking man in front of her is over. Her only emotion now is blinding fear and it owns her completely.

She looks up from Renn’s broken body into the Kashabi’s face. His expression is unchanged. The only clue of movement he gives is the spider web of tensed muscles spreading across his chest as he looks at her and slowly raises his dagger. Waves of panic force her to close her eyes

and begin to scream.




The sound of Lucia’s screams fade into the high pitched screech of the garrison klaxon closely followed by the urgent drumming of feet against metal in the corridor leading to central command.

Olin Peck races down the dark corridor lit only by the red strobe lights that race away from him down the passage.




The command center is a cavernous room, conically shaped and rising from the lower broad base that is covered in enormous projection screens to the raised platform in the narrow tip that houses the garrison’s most important information systems. The room is jammed with computers and people, all furiously sending information to the back of the room where the operations techs make sense of the barrage of information.

Olin enters from the side of the room and quickly works his way to the back platform.

Killian Conner stands peering with a stony gaze at the computer screen of the operator seated in front of him. Killian is the squander commander of the seventh royal cavalry and heir to the Anowan throne. He is of an average height and build, but exudes a powerful presence that belies his otherwise normal appearance. His thick black hair is a stark contrast to his steely, cobalt blue eyes. He doesn’t acknowledge Olin’s arrival, even though Olin is as close to a best friend as he has.



                    Switch to commerce


                    It looks clear, sir.


                    No other areas reporting activity?


                        No sir, It seems to be localized completely at AG. 2.

                    and smaller than most of the other raids.


                    Sir, the squadron is ready to launch at your command.


                    Continue to monitor and notify me immediately if

                    the situation changes.


                    Yes, sir.

Killian shruggs on the battle jacket he had been holding at his side and readjusts his sword from his hip to the back of the jacket so that it now hangs across his back with the hilt rising over his shoulder. He turns to Olin.


                    I’ll be giving the order in person.

The two move quickly down the short flight of stairs, breaking into a run as they hit the door.




The hangar is a cavernous space with white washed surfaces everywhere. The most distinguishing features of the hangar are the gaping opening at the end of the room that looks out over an endless stretch of grassy plain and the elaborate metal framework crawling up either side of the room used to store and deliver the squadron’s assault vehicles, the Borrom Industries AR-1075 Phantom. The Phantom is, essentially, an engine with a saddle. The cavalry officer controls the Phantom by using the handlebars to control vertical attitude and thrust and foot pedals to control the yaw axis. The front quarter slopes from the short windshield to the broad nose and contains three wire-controlled javelins. The Phantom is known for its speed and agility and offers the cavalry officer piloting the craft the ability to fight while mounted.

Killian and Olin enter the hangar and are immediately seized upon by the four flight officers waiting anxiously by the door. The whirring hum of the two flights of idling Phantoms that are already deployed from their storage areas is loud enough so that Killian has to shout his orders as the six officers huddle close together.


                    Here’s the situation. So far the only activity is concentrated

                    at Ag. 2. Their largest numbers seem to be in the residential

                    area, but there are others attacking the farming element. Flight Officer

                    Andrius will take Alpha Flight and two elements from Charlie

                    into the residentials. Myself and Lieutenant Marius will take the

                    rest of Charlie into the Ag complex and drive them out of the

                    buildings. Bravo and Delta will stand to. XO, I want you to be

                    ready for any other attacks. You’ll launch at the first sign of trouble

                    without my order. Is that clear?


                    Yes, sir!


                    Then let’s move.

The hangar jumps to life as the flight officers race back to their units to report their orders. Killian and Olin adjourn to the back of the hangar where their phantoms are kept always at the ready. Killian preps his for departure as Olin stands with him.


                    Are you sure you’re up for this?


                    Are you questioning my orders, Olin?


                    I’m making sure my friend isn’t about to get himself killed.


                    The only thing you need to worry about right now is the other



Killian’s rebuke is harsher than the two men are used too and Olin unhappily slips back into his professional role.


                    Yes, sir.


Killian mounts his phantom and instantly regrets his last words.



                    What’s the officer’s mess serving tonight?


                    Bolgar mash. Lots of it.


                    In that case I’ll try to make this a quick one.

                    Save me a seat.


                    Be careful.


Killian responds by igniting his thrusters and giving Olin a mock salute before he blasts out of the hangar. The hum of the Phantoms’ engines become a deafening roar as Alpha and Charlie flights follow suit and scream out of the hangar after Killian




As the Phantoms barrel out of the hangar and streak away from the garrison they form into two groups. Six rows of six cavalry officers in each group, a column of blue flame trails each rider pushing them at dizzying speeds and punishing the swishing grasses below them.



EXT. AG. 2

In moments, the towering silos of the Ag. 2. settlement’s farming complex loom large on the horizon. The light of several fires are visible to the riders from their short distance away.


                    Alpha lead, break formation now.

Killian watches the group of Phantoms on his right effortlessly drift as one to the north of his present course. He speaks into the comm. unit on the forearm of his battle jacket again

                            KILLIAN cont.

                    Charlie elements five and six join Alpha flight now.

The rear of Killian’s flight slow their Phantoms before turning away after the others.




Nivo Andrius and his flight approach the Residence area of Ag. 2. The area consists mostly of family dwellings. The four long, single-story structures run parallel to each other and house twenty families each. There are wide dirt avenues between the buildings and a large commons area between the families and the three story workers apartment building that sits at the head of the row houses.

                            NIVO ANDRIUS

                    Alpha Three, Charlie five and six, sweep left and

                    approach from the south of the family structure.

                    Alpha four, five, and six maintain course and approach

                    the same from the North. Alpha one and two throttle up

                    and follow me.




Andrius and his officers sweep into the grassy commons area on their Phantoms. People are running frantically in every direction. Groups of Kashabi Warriors are swarming the workers apartment building.




Tac Narsett stands staring out the window of his spartan single room apartment. The weasely looking man is almost giddy at the sight he sees out of the window. He can’t suppress his crooked yellow smile from spreading across his face as he giggles in delight and mutters to himself.

                            TAC NARSETT

                    I’ve been waiting for you. Oh, I’ve been waiting

                    a long time for you. You finally showed up

                    at my house.


He turns from the window and drops to his knees before his bed. He reaches underneath and pulls out a battered leather box. He unlatches the buckles and opens it to reveal a pristine Brasalian scimitar. He talks to the sword.


                    They shouldn’t have made us wait so long.

                    In a box since the end of the wars was no

                    place for you to be.


Tac returns to the window and stares out again. He’s clutching the hilt of the sword so tightly that his fingers turn white.


                    No more waiting.


Narsett is looking the wrong way when a Kashabi warrior breaks through the door next to him. The door swings in so hard it knocks Tac into the wall. Enraged by the intrusion Tac raises the sword high over his head with both hands and screams a bloody cry as he rushes the much larger warrior.

The warrior steps toward Tac and calmly grabs his raised fists in one hand while slipping his long dagger into Tac’s ribs with the other.

He moves Tac into a sitting position near the window and pulls the dagger from his body as he watches silently. Tac looks down and then begins to smile again an expression of relief. He sputters a choked laugh as he looks at the Kashabi now kneeling in the middle of the room facing away from him and lowly chanting words he doesn’t understand.

Finally the sword falls from Tac’s hand.




Nivo brings his Phantom to a stop at the base of the workers apartments. To his left he sees other elements of his flight engaging the Kashabi in the family area. The tall building to his right is awash in chaos as people flee in all directions. Nivo spots a warrior on the second floor break down a door and enter one of the apartments.

He ditches his Phantom and rushes to the stairs on the right side of the building. He fights his way past the people who are streaming down the staircase. He draws his sword from over his shoulder when he reaches the second level and dashes for the broken door.




Inside the door he sees the warrior kneeling in the middle of the room, facing away from him. A long double bladed dagger covered in blood lies next to him. He holds in his hands two small leather pouches. One is oozing an amber liquid that is pooling on the ground and running over the warrior’s glistening fingers. The other gives off a chalky blue dust that covers the other hand and forearm as well. Nivo quickly notices the body of a dead man sitting against the wall with a macabre smile on his face. He looks just long enough to know he isn’t a threat, but also long enough for the Kashabi to drop the pouches and rise from his crouch to spring across the room at Nivo.

The warrior spears Nivo around the waist and knocks him halfway out the door. Nivo’s sword goes flying from his hands and lands on the walkway outside. The warrior grabs the front of Nivo’s jacket and pulls him off the floor first to a standing position and then lifting him fully off the ground.

Nivo swings his arms in a wide arc as hard as he can sending his fists pounding into the sides of the warrior’s skull. The blow is enough for him to drop Nivo. Just as quickly as he hits the ground Nivo leaps into the air again. This time he grabs the support beam over his head and kicks both of his feet squarely into the warrior’s chest.

The warrior staggers backwards, but quickly recovers and rushes at Nivo again. As the warrior stumbles backwards, Nivo pulls his pulse stun weapon from the waist of his jacket, slip it over his knuckles, and point the flash directly into the eyes of the charging warrior as he squeezes the trigger.

The pulse stun weapon normally has enough power to knock a man unconscious for hours. It emits a flash of light that effects the nervous system to the point that the body simply shuts down. Used on the Kashabi it knocks them to the ground for a minute, maybe two at most.

Nivo turns back to the doorway as the warrior crumples to the ground. He sees his sword laying just beyond the entry. He moves to retrieve it when a worker races past in front of him knocking it over the ledge and to the ground below.





Nivo throws himself over the guard rail falling hard into the ground. Quickly, he recovers himself and retrieves his weapon. He runs back to the stairs this time taking them a pair at a time as he ascends. He freezes halfway up the stairs.

Emerging from the doorway of the hovel the Kashabi is holding the two bags again. This time they are held high over his head as he screams his chant into the fractured stillness of the night.

                            KASHABI WARRIOR

                    Kallic Chon Kaptha! Kallic Chon Kaptha!


Nivo watches as the warrior’s arms begin to fall slowly to his side. He races up the stairs again. As he does, the warrior swings his arms with blinding speed upward slamming the leather bags into each other.

The Kashabi erupts into a brilliant column of flame as the contents of the bags mix with one another. The Force of the explosion knocks Nivo backward down the stairs.

The middle of the building is consumed in flame. The heat scorches Nivo’s face as he rises and staggers away from the structure. He checks the translator on his comm unit. The sensitive microphone easily recognizes foreign languages and instantly scrolls a translation of what is said. Nivo looks down at the screen attached to the unit on his forearm. The words scroll across the tiny display, "Makers accept me."




Killian exits a livestock barn as a mounted Kashabi warrior thunders toward him atop a ronach, a massive, four-legged creatures that travels in long, powerful leaps. Seeing the rider coming, Killian braces for the attack and swings as hard as he can at the riders spiked club before it can smash into his head. The impact of the blow knocks both men to the ground. They recover and scramble for their weapons. They begin to swing again even before they are fully standing. Back on their feet Killian blocks a high swing of the club and is able to reverse his grip, step backward into his opponents stance, and bring his sword down into his foe.

Killian steps away from the warrior’s body and begins to look for another target when a loud explosion coming from the res. area rumbles across the settlement sending a plume of fire into the air. The explosion brings a chorus of screams from the settlers scrambling about in the confusion. Killian sticks his sword in the ground and keys an open channel on his comm unit.


                    Alpha Lead, this is Commander Conner.

                    What the hell was that?


                    It’s a suicide mission, sir.


                    What do you mean, Andrius?


                    One of them just exploded in front of me.

                    I saw him go into one of the apartments and

                    went after him. When I entered he was

                    kneeling in the middle of the room with these

                    leather bags in his hands. He looked like

                    he was praying.




                    Yes, sir. He was chanting something I couldn’t

                    pick up. I fought with him, but got knocked

                    off the building. When I tried to reengage he

                    came out of the apartment and slammed the

                    bags together. That’s when he exploded . . .

                    and took a lot of the building with him.

                    I’ve never seen anything like this before.


                    Tricho bombs. I saw them in the campaigns.

                    Have you seen any others with them?


                    No, sir. The res area is crawling with

                    Kashabi, but I haven’t seen any more.


                    They’re probably going after the buildings

                    on this side, but keep your eyes open.


                    Yes, sir.


Killian keyed an open channel.


                    This is Commander Conner, all units in the

                    farm area sweep through the buildings.

                    Look for attackers carrying leather pouches

                    and attack immediately. Do not let them get

                    away. And don’t let what’s in the bags mix.

                    You just heard the results.


Killian keys off his comm. unit and rushes back into the street to his Phantom. The five silos rise against the sky behind him. One of the smaller silos is already consumed in fire. Killian pulls his binoculars from his Phantom and zooms in on the silos. Climbing the outside scaffolding that circles the monstrous inner silo is a Kashabi warrior with not just two, but six of the leather pouches tied three to each end of a leather strap that hangs around the warrior’s neck.

Killian stows the binoculars in the utility compartment of his Phantom and jumps into the pilot seat. In a heartbeat he lights the thruster and screams away toward the silos.




Killian comes to a rough stop at the base of the central silo. He looks upward to where the Kashabi is climbing. He starts to run up the winding metal stairway, but only gets so far before he sees the warrior enter the silo. He knows it’s too long of a climb to go on foot. He sits of the edge of the handrail of the landing he’s on and leans backward away from the building. Keeping his eyes upward , he pulls his ascension gun from the front of his battle jacket and hooks a small dart shaped grappling attachment to it. He takes aim at the handrail outside the door to the upper levels of the main silo and fires. He stops the line as the hook soars over the railing causing it to snap downward and wrap around the railing. Killian hooks the ascension gun back in place on the front of his jacket before standing on the railing and jumping backwards off of it as he thumbs the intake button that pulls him quickly upward.

He stops hard as the floor of the upper catwalk slams hard into his ribs. He looses his breath for a second but can still pull himself up onto the platform. He unhooks the gun and lets it dangle from the railng as he draws his sword and creeps through the top access hatch of the silo.




Inside the top of the main silo is an intricate series of rusty metal catwalks leading to different workstations that control the flow of fala grains to the other silos for processing,

Killian enters onto the highest of the catwalks and sees the Kashabi halfway across kneeling and talking in a low chant. Killian freezes not wanting to give away his presence yet. He ventures a look beyond the catwalk at the mounds of grain far below him. He slowly creeps forward, his sword held defensively in front of him.

The warrior has snapped the leather strap in two so that he holds the groups of tricho bombs on either side of him. The bags rest on the metal grating, slowly oozing their contents onto the walkway. He turns when he hears Killian approach, but does not leap at him. He stands to his full height bringing the bags up with him. He is majestic and wears the gravity of his mission on his face.

Killian doesn’t attack either. He holds up his arm with his hand outward in a gesture of caution. He can also see his comm. unit by holding his arm up. The Kashabi begins to speak with controlled restraint.


                    Hava bin somaja somani

                    <You stole everything we had.>

                    Navin manif kerom lakmerno

                    <You rape our home with your machines.>


                    <It ends!>


The warriors voice quickly rises to a crescendo as he begins to recite the whole of his prayer. The sound is booming inside the silo. He lifts the bags higher, his arms sticking straight out to his sides


                    Ona tofa colm mana!

                    <I return from the earth to the sky. >

                    Salanen choka toma!

                    <I sleep in the house of the creators.>

                    Kallic Chon Kaptha! Kallic Chon Kaptha!

                    <Makers accept me! Makers accept me!>


Without conscious thought, Killian flips his sword in his hand and hurls it like a spear at the warrior. The sword strikes deep into the warrior’s chest, the tip protruding slightly from the other side.

The impaled warrior falls stiffly, his arms still held out, with a crash that shakes the entire walkway. The warrior’s hands come to rest over the edges of the walkway. When his grip relaxed on the leather straps they began to sift through his hand as if he were pouring out a fistful of sand.

Killian makes a desperate dive forward for the bags throwing himself halfway off the catwalk. All he can do is watch them fall. The bags settle harmlessly into the fala seeds far below. Killian pulls himself back onto the catwalk, collects his sword, then looks at the fallen warrior for a brief moment before leaving the silo.




A woman in flowing white robes stands in the garden tending to a flowering vine plant that covers one of the garden’s large stone walls. Brynna Conner is indescribably beautiful. Her long raven colored hair falls carelessly, yet elegantly far past her shoulders. The locks that fall near her face frame the same intense blue eyes seen on Killian. She is discussing the garden with two of her attending ladies.


                            LADY ONE

                    Your Highness, I think you’ve turned this old garden

                    into the loveliest place in the castle.


                    I’ve been fortunate. Gracious visitors like yourselves

                    have brought me the most beautiful flowers from all

                    over the kingdom.

                            LADY TWO

                    Has the King been able to enjoy it with you?


                    I don’t think Lord Conner sees the need for flowers, let

                    alone an entire garden full of them.


The ladies hear a rustling sound coming from a nearby bush. There is a small shoe attached to a small leg poking out from behind it. The two ladies try to pretend they didn’t see it, but Brynna acknowledges it with a smile and turns back to the ladies.


                    I trust you’ll both be attending court this evening.

                            LADY ONE

                    Certainly, Your Highness.


                    I’m afraid I’ll have to suspend our visit until then


Brynna turns back to the shoe coming from the bush

                            BRYNNA cont.

                    I’ve another meeting to attend that’s very important.

                    Please forgive me for not showing you out.


The two ladies curtsy and scurry away mumbling to each other how impressed they are with the Queen’s new garden as Brynna walks over to the bush and kneels down in front of it. She sees a young, 8-year old Killian wiping at his eyes. She smiles warmly at him.




                    I want to be alone.


                    But I feel very lonely and want to be with people.

                    I’m afraid that if someone doesn’t call me mother

                    instead of your highness soon I’ll be the loneliest

                    person on the planet.


                    I’m sorry, mother.


                    Come sit with me, Killian


                    But you told those women you had a meeting


                    I was talking about you. Now come out from there.

                    That bush isn’t big enough for both of us to sit under.


Killian crawls out from under the bush. The tracks of tears mixed with dirt mark his cheeks. Brynna immediately licks her thumb and tries to clean his face before moving on to brushing the dirt off of and straightening his clothes. They move to a nearby stone bench.


                    You always get so dirty when you crawl under there.

                    Come over here. Now tell me why you keep hiding.


                    I don’t want people to see me.


                    If you didn’t want people to see you you wouldn’t

                    hide in the same place every time.


                    People don’t want to see me.


                    I always want to see you.


                    Different people.


Brynna tussles then straightens his hair. Her tone becomes more serious and more nurturing. She puts her arm around him.


                    Killian, you know your father loves you very much.


                    Why does he only talk to Ryan?


                    He has a lot to teach Ryan. Ryan is the oldest son and so he

                    is to be king after your father. It’s no ones fault. It’s just how

                    it has always been.


                    What will I be


                    You'll be the bravest, smartest, most heroic and handsome

                    man in the empire. Everyone will love you as much as I do.

                    And as much as your father does.


The 8-year old Killian is replaced by the 15-year old Killian who pulls away from Brynna’s embrace. The bright sunshine is replaced by a cold evening


                    It’s important you know that, Killian. When Ryan and I are

                    killed it will only be the two of you. You will need each other.


                    Mother, please don’t go to Lohnergan.


                    I can’t stop it from happening. I have to go. Someone has to

                    tell people how horrible the slave trade is.


                    Why can’t father go?


                    Your father was never a slave. I was. And don’t talk as

                    if you want your father to die in my place.


Killian is his adult self. He looks to his mother and finds the bench empty. The garden gets even colder. He starts to cry.


                    Please don’t go.

The sound of an electric chime mingles with his choked sobs.



The sound of the computer’s voice is soft, almost lilting, as it wakes Killian from his dream to announce the visitor at his door.